Page 27 - Martial Science Magazine April 2018
P. 27

A new variation of Sikaran has  1595 under the leadership of Fa- The next sport is hide and seek
          also  emerged  when  the  players  ther Jun de Pacencia and Father  (tago-taguan). This is a game in
          agreed to a formal version of the  Diego de Oropesa, founded a vis- which the ik will go behind the
          game. The “Partida Laban. This  ita in Morong or the present site  tree and will give time to the play-
          new variation will pit two players  of Boso Boso South of Painaan. It  ers to hide by counting from one
          inside a circled area in the pad- was known as Visita de Santiago  to ten. The  ik will begin to  look
          dy. Whoever could land the first  or Santiago until such time it be- for the players and whoever will
          kick in the body inside the circle  came Baras.                           be found will be the next ik.
          wins. The player who gets out of
          the circle loses. The winner stays  Another version of its origin was  The third sport was (karera ng
          inside the circle and will be chal- from the Spanish priest Father  Bangka) boat regatta – or the se-
          lenged  by  a  woman  player  who  Francisco  Barasoin,  he is  known  ries of boat race. Racing event of
          will play outside the circle while  for his kindness and the commu- rowed or sailed water craft, three
          the prior player is limited within  nity was named after him.             or four boats will race, whoever
          the limits of the circle. Within a                                        will reach the designated place
          certain time, if the woman play- The third version of its histo- will be declared the winner.
          er fails to drive the player inside  ry dates back in the olden times
          the circle outside , then the play- when there were plenty of hard- The fourth sport was water wres-
          er inside the circle stays inside  wood which were made into baras  tling (Buno sa Tubig). They play
          and  will  eventually  be  declared  of two pieces of wood between  this game whenever they were in
          Champion. But there were also  which the house was harnessed  the river with breast deep height
          women who fight men inside the  and later became Baras. In 1750,  and the opponents are in pair.
          circle and eventually win. These  it was divided into Barangays. It  Both carry their partners in their
          women-players have become the  was under the jurisdiction of the  shoulders they will wrestle in the
          inspiration of men.                  province of Laguna from 1606 to  water and whoever will be down
                                               1853.                                three times will lose the game.
          Then the variation of “Labo-Labo
          Matira Matibay na Labanan” (Mix  In 1929 to 1931 Baras was classi- Another sport is known as the
          up, the toughest Rules) was also  fied as a fifth class municipality  Mud Flip (Sabuyan ng Putik.)
          played. This was played inside the  and had settled its conflict with  There are two or three players
          circle by three to eight men who  Morong and Tanay.                       and they will throw mud at each
          could  not  efficiently  kick  due  to                                    other using hands and feet and
          the limited space. The ones who  Through the Executive Order No.  this paved the way to the sports
          goes out of the circle loses and  57 dated November 24, 1920, His  Sikaran, the ancient art of Filipi-
          the toughest that will be left will  Excellency, the Governor General  no Foot Fighting.
          be the Champion.                     of the Philippines, it became a full
                                               pledged municipality.
          The evolvement of Sikaran is also
          the history of Sitio Baras, Baras
          Rizal is an idyllic town situated                                            EVOLVEMENT
          between the towns of Morong and         GRASSROOTS
          Tanay. In the olden times in the                                              OF SIKARAN
          Sitio of Baras, the residents get          SPORTS IN
          their source of living by planting                                        Sikaran is a sports using the legs
          vegetables  and  other  root  crops,           BARAS                      and hands. Farmers having well
          another livelihood was fishing                                            developed feet emphasized the
          from the Laguna de Bay, Baras  The first sport was known as pa- use of the feet. The farmers dis-
          has mountains and plains and the  tintero, a line will be drawn in the  covered the use of SIkaran in
          life  of  the  people  was  plain  and  fields or streets by means of wa- Baras, Province of Rizal.  They
          simple.                              ter. There are at least three or four  often prepare the fields for plant-
                                               players in each team, one human  ing palay. Rice is the offshoot of
                                               frontline, one for the rear and one  palay, usually grinded and it be-
                                               for the vertical lines and the oth- came the staple food of the Ta-
           THE ORIGIN OF  er for center line. The objective of  galog region. When farmers are

                     BARAS                     the game is to outsmart the oth- resting after every harvest of pa-
                                               er. The objective of the sport was  lay,  the  farmers  will  bring  their
                                               to accumulate as many points by  water  buffalos  in  the  hole  full
          Baras Rizal has different version  passing the lines without being  of mud. During the olden times,
          as to its origin. The first version  tagged.                              the youngsters of Baras were re-
          was that it was founded through                                           spectful and they do not mean
          the Franciscan Missionaries in                                            to harm their playmates in their
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