Page 29 - Martial Science Magazine April 2018
P. 29

Sikaran. As Sikaran continuous- a game in which the strong men  Another style used by the players
          ly evolve another animal which  are on top and the loser is under  is known “Labanan sa Suga o Lu-
          they  constantly  observe  was  the  and he will kick the strong men  bid” here the two opponents with
          horse. They studied its moves and  up to the time he reaches the  a string attached to their hips
          they learned the double alternat- top of “Hagdang Bato.” The next  with the size or distance  of three
          ing front kick they combined the  game is known as “Isa Laban sa  (siko), this is a game of accumula-
          prowess of the chicken “labuyo”  Dalawa,”  one  against  two.  They  tion of points by pinning the play-
          and the horse and the result  will fight in a circle with a size of  ers down or making them accept
          is“Dublihang Sikad Paharap.” Or  eight foot diameter. Whoever will  defeat. They can pull the string to
          dambang paharap.                     be able to  deliver the strongest  make the opponents come closer.
                                               kick the body and cause outside
          There was a saying in the older  the circle will be declared the
          times that goes “Huwag kang du- winner.
          mikit sa baka o kabayo baka ma-                                            THE ORIGIN OF
          sikaran ka” which means, “Don’t  Many years had passed and the
          get near the cow or the horse or  farmers developed ways of play-                   BIAKID
          you might be kicked.”  The say- ing Sikaran. They discovered a
          ing has its roots that the animals  kick pattern using the sickle as  When  the  folks  of  Baras  discov-
          which were not domesticated  a model. It is a combination of  ered  Sikaran,  teenagers  and  al-
          were usually ferocious.              the horse kick and the use of the  most all folks who were strongly
                                               sickle for gathering palay in the  built play the sports. They joined
          The farmers of Baras used to  field. The kick that was devel- the different competitions wheth-
          work in the fields and mountains  oped is like the use of gathering  er it was rainy or dry season. It
          and their source of livelihood is  palay using a sickle and burying  was also the time for the males
          planting, and kaingin (slash and  the palay in water and makes  to show off to the females. They
          burn). Barrio Lagundi was the  an upward movement. By using  enjoy the games especially if the
          boundary of Baras and they in- this sickle kick the feet is free to  women of the barrio were watch-
          vited  farmers  from  Morong  to  move upward and free to kick the  ing. They can’t accept that they
          join the tournament. The ancient  opponent. The other movement  will lose the game or be kicked in
          name for Sikaran was “Panigga- that was patterned in the using  any part of their bodies especially
          ra.”  On  their vernacular  dialect.  of their daily living was “Sikad  if they are being watched.
          They had different competitions  Palakol o Sikad Pasibak” axe  The competition which was called
          with the different Places of Baras,  kick,  this  movement  makes  the  Labanang Labo-Labo is a compe-
          in Pulo, Patadyan, Suro-suro, Ba- feet to kick upward and strongly  tition of three four, five or more
          sud, Ulahang, Salang Bato,and  bring it downward, it is either axe  players  they  will  play  in  a  circle
          Malalim, these were the places  kick pointing outside or axe kick  with the size of eight diameters
          in which the competitions took  pointing inside.                          and whoever will be forced out of
          place.                                                                    the circle will be the loser. It is the
                                               The major kick of the art of  most difficult game in Sikaran.
          As  years  passed  many  forms  of  foot-fighting  was  known  as  “Bi- The game “Labo-Labo” became a
          competitions were developed  akid or Biyakid” it is a kick where  mind boggling situation for the
          such as “Patas na Labanan” two  the center of the force is at the  players of Sikaran. The space is
          opponents draw a circle with a  back of the heel. It is the most  limited and it is quite difficult for
          space of eight feet diameter. It  powerful kick. It can be delivered  the players to move and kick. In
          was a competition between two  in all angles, and  controlled by  those times to be declared as the
          males with the same age and  the hip, thigh and legs to the heel  King of Sikaran is very coveted ti-
          height. This is a game of accumu- and the back. The largest muscles  tle for the males, but it is quite un-
          lating points by hitting the other,  that run in the body control the  usual that the females also joined
          if the opponent falls three times,  kick. The farmers used this kick  this tournament and proved
          he loses the game. Another com- for sports and used it for self-de- themselves good in the Art of Si-
          petition is known as “Labanang  fense.                                    karan.
          Haragan” the competitors usu-
          ally use the field with the size of  The different styles of this game  The Labanang Labo-labo paved
          25 square feet. This is a game of  evolved like “Labanang May  the way for the game of Sikad Bi-
          chasing up to the time that the  Hangganan” opponents will fight  akid. There were some modifica-
          opponent will raise his hand as a  inside the circle with the size of  tions that took place in the game
          symbol of defeat.                    eight  feet  in  diameter.The  weak  and paved the way to the modern
                                               ones who will be thrown out of  Sikaran.
          The next game is known as “Par- the circle are the losers.
          tida Laban” there are different
          types “Labanan sa Hagdang Bato”                                                     APRIL/2018     29
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