Page 12 - Inkanyezi
P. 12


                     We will rise above our



                      grew up in Amatikwe, Inanda. When I  I am a partner at Shepstone and Wyle
           speak to people who care to listen, I say  Attorneys, and Chairperson of the Ithwelenye
           Amatikwe is arguably the poorest area within  Development Initiative, a non-profit company
           the INK region. For my primary and secondary  which has changed the lives of young people of
           education I went to Amatikwe Lower Primary,  Amatikwe. For my community work, I was
           Ithwelenye Primary, eQinisweni Primary and  declared a finalist in the Greatest Community
           matriculated at Nkosinathi High School in  Leader of the Year Award 2013 run by Sunday
           1989. After my matric, I was fortunate enough  Times and Jonnie Walker Black. For all my
           to get a bursary and went to study law at the  achievements, fear of poverty is what drove
           then University of Natal. Without a bursary  me to work hard and I am a living testimony
           from the South African Institute of Race  that education is a key to prosperity. I would
           Relations, my mother could not have afforded  also highlight the importance of mentorship
           my university education. My dad passed away  and guidance from those we see as role
           when I was five years old, leaving my mom to  models.
           take care of myself and two of my younger
           brothers.                          As we celebrate 25 years of democracy, I look
                                              back and I realise that back in the days  matiwe
           I registered to do BProc degree, which I  was an area with poor infrastructure
           obtained in 1993. In 1994, I obtained my LLB  development. Today, we have tarred roads,
           degree. In 2004, I obtained my Masters in Law.  community halls, electricity and running water.
           I did my articles of clerkship with Garlicke and  I have also observed the building of new chools
           Bousfield for two years, passed my board  in Amatiwe: two high schools and four primary
           exams and qualified as an attorney in 1997. In  schools. I have seen people being provided
           1999, I joined Island View Storage as a senior  with houses.Back in the days people were not
           HR Officer and when I left them in 2001, I was  empowered to express themselves and had no
           their Labour Relations  anager. I went back to  right to choose a government of their choice
           Garlicke and Bousfield to practise law and  and I think that is the greatest achievement of
           worked as a labour lawyer. After six years of  our democracy. Our people go around with
           practising labour law, I ventured into property  pride knowing that they are true citizens of
           law. I joined KZN’s largest law firm Shepstone  this country.
           and Wyle, and I have been a property lawyer
           for 15 years now.                  The journey of our democracy has not been
                                              without challenges. Firstly, I feel that we have
           I have seen lot of growth in myself over the  created a welfare state that has created a huge
           past 15 years. In 2017, I was appointed by the  dependence on the state. I wish to see people
           then President of the Republic of South Africa  being taught that democracy should never be a
           as member of the Judicial Service Commission  substitute for hard work. Poverty, inequality
           (JSC) a body, which, among other things,  and unemployment rates remain high.  owever,
           interviews and recommends the appointment  I am hopeful that South Africa will rise above
           of judges. Until September 2018, I acted as the  all its challenges and grow to be a prosperous
           Chairperson for the Durban ICC Board and  nation.
           served as a non-executive director for five
           years.                             Looking forward to more years of democracy.

          “I wish to see people
             being taught that                 t  h  a  t    e  d S u  f c i a s t o i    o M n s    i  o s  m a i      k s e t y r  o    t n o g    p l  y r    o b s e p l  i e e r v i  t e y s .  Occupations:

            democracy should                                                                   Property lawyer, community
          never be a substitute                                                                builder
               for hard work.”

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