Page 42 - e-CPG-SLE-8_5_24
P. 42

Management of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

           In  a  retrospective  cohort  study  of  renal  biopsy-proven  thrombotic
           microangiopathy  LN,  plasmapheresis  treatment  had  higher  rate  of
           complete/partial remission compared with control (non-plasmapheresis)
           (77.8 vs 11.1%, p=0.018). No AEs were observed. 77, level II-2

           In a pre-post study of refractory SLE patients with sub-phenotypes of
           thrombotic  thrombocytopenic  purpura  (TTP),  myasthenia  gravis  and
           APS, PE as add-on treatment to corticosteroids and immunosuppressive
           agents  significantly  decreased  SLEDAI.  However,  21%  patients
           experienced PE-related major AEs (catheter infections, bleeding and
           hypotension). 78, level II-3

           The  BSR  2018  guidelines  recommends  the  use  of  PE  in  SLE  with
           TTP.   Meanwhile  in  the  2020  Chinese  Guidelines  for  the  Diagnosis
           and  Treatment  of  Systemic  Lupus  Erythematosus,  PE  can  be
           considered in patients with severe or refractory SLE. 67

           •  PE  is  considered  in  patients  with  severe  or  refractory  SLE,  in
             particular those with TTP.

           ii)  Intravenous immunoglobulin
           Intravenous  immunoglobulin  (IVIG)  is  a  blood  product  derived  from
           the plasma of a large pool of healthy donors. The indication of its use
           as immunomodulator has expanded to treat various autoimmune and
           inflammatory diseases. There is limited evidence on IVIG treatment in

           In  a  non-randomised  controlled  trial  in  LN  patients,  IVIG  was  not
           significantly different to CYC or AZA in achieving partial or complete
           renal  remission  following  induction  therapy.  However,  it  had  lower
           infection  rate.  No  leukopenia,  amenorrhoea  or  osteoporosis  were
           observed. 79, level II-1

           •  In SLE, the use of IVIG maybe considered in: 21; 50; 67
               severe refractory SLE including haematological flare, TTP and the
               catastrophic variant of APS
               active SLE with concomitant infection

           Thromboembolic events are delayed AEs of immunoglobulin treatment
           with  incidence  rate  up  to  2%  when  given  in  high  dose. 80,  level  III   It
           occurs  because  of  hyperviscosity  especially  in  patients  having  risk
           factors  including  advanced  age,  previous  thromboembolic  diseases,
           bedridden,  diabetes  mellitus,  hypertension,  dyslipidaemia  and  those

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