Page 44 - e-CPG-SLE-8_5_24
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Management of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus


           SLE  is  a  multisystemic  disease  requiring  comprehensive  treatment
           which is determined by the disease severity and organ/system involved.

           8.1  Lupus Nephritis
           LN is classified according to the International Society of Nephrology
           and the Renal Pathology Society in 2003 as shown below: 82, level III
             Class  Incidence rate (per 1000 person-years)
               l    Minimal mesangial LN
               Il   Mesangial proliferative LN
              lll   Focal LN (active and chronic; proliferative and sclerosing)
              lV    Diffuse LN (active and chronic; proliferative and sclerosing;
                    segmental and global)
              V     Membranous LN
              Vl    Advanced sclerosis LN
           For class l LN, treatment should be guided by symptoms whereas for
           class ll, low dose prednisolone should be initiated and followed by an
           immunosuppressant  if there is persistent proteinuria  for more than
           three months or prednisolone dependency.

           Treatment  of  class  III  and  class  IV  LN  includes  an  initial  induction
           phase, followed by a more prolonged maintenance phase. MMF and
           CYC  are  the  agents  of  choice  for  induction  treatment.  MMF  or AZA
           may  be  used  as  maintenance  treatment,  with  the  former  associated
           with fewer relapses. CNIs may be considered as second-line agents for
           induction or maintenance treatment mainly in membranous LN (class
           V) or in proliferative disease with refractory nephrotic syndrome despite
           standard treatment within 3 - 6 months.  For class VI LN, treatment is
           as per advanced chronic kidney disease (refer to CPG Management of
           Chronic Kidney Disease [Second Edition]). 83

           A  landmark  RCT  (Lupus  Nephritis  Assessment  with  Rituximab
           [LUNAR] trial) on class lll and class lV LN patients treated with MMF
           and corticosteroids showed that rituximab led to more responders and
           greater reductions in anti-dsDNA antibodies and C3/C4 levels. However,
           it did not improve clinical outcomes after one year of treatment. 84, level l

           According  to  the  Belimumab  in  Subjects  with  Systemic  Lupus
           Erythematosus (BLISS)-LN trial, IV belimumab was superior to placebo
           as  an  add-on  therapy  during  induction  phase  of  active  LN  (class  III
           -  V)  in  achieving  primary  renal  response  (ratio  of  urinary  protein  to
           creatinine of ≤0.7 and an estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR)

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