Page 101 - 18-43 Feb 9, 2022
P. 101

wraps  Simple Sides

                INGREDIENTS                            DIRECTIONS
                Orzo with Roasted Vegetables           Prepare the Orzo with Roasted
                1  small  eggplant,  peeled  and
                cubed                                  Preheat   oven   to   425   degrees
                1 yellow pepper, diced                 Fahrenheit. Line and grease a cookie
                  1 red pepper, diced                  sheet.

                1 red onion, diced                     In a large bowl, mix vegetables with
                  2 cloves garlic, minced              seasonings until well coated.
                  1/2 cup Olive Oil                    Spread   vegetables   onto   a   the
                  1/2 teaspoon kosher salt             prepared  cookie  sheet  and  roast  for
                                                       40  minutes,  mixing  occasionally.
                                                       Remove from oven; cool slightly.
                1/2 teaspoon black pepper
                  1/2 pound orzo, cooked al dente      Combine orzo with roasted vegetables
                                                       in  a  large  bowl.  Stir  in  dressing
                Dressing                               ingredients.

                1/3 cup Lemon Juice
                                                       Prepare the Topping
                1/3 cup Olive Oil
                  1 teaspoon kosher salt               Heat oil in a small pan.
                  1/2 teaspoon black pepper            Dice scallions and sauté until golden.
                Topping                                Stir in basil and pine nuts; sauté an
                  4 scallions                          additional three to four minutes. Use
                  1 teaspoon basil                     one to two teaspoons of topping per

                1/4 cup pine nuts

                Olive Oil, for sautéing
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