Page 71 - 18-48 March 16, 22
P. 71

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                                        Disabilities and

                                        Social Skills

                                                             By Rifka Schonfeld, Director of S.O.S.
                                                                 (Strategies For Optimum Success)

              Q: I know that my son has trouble
              in  school  because  of  his  learning
              disability. But, he is also struggling                                      -
              socially.  He  doesn’t  seem  to  be                                        -
              able to hold on to a friend for more

              tells me that other children don’t                                          -
              like him. Could there be a connec-                                          -
              ty and his social skills? Are learning
              ent levels of self-esteem?                                                  -

                                                  -                                       -
              ics. Children with learning disabili-
                                                  -                                       -
                                                      ing a state of ‘learned helplessness’

              struggling  learners,  but  what  peo-

                                                  -                                       -

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