Page 72 - 18-48 March 16, 22
P. 72
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portant to understand just what
self-esteem is. People with self-es- What can you do to help your son
teem have a strong sense of their gain self-esteem and also make
own worth, which leads them to
stand up for themselves when oth- is to make him understand that his
learning disability does not make
Those with strong self-esteem also him stupid or slow. Tell him about
tend to express their feelings free-
ly, enabling them to establish long
with hearing loss. They turned their
weaknesses into strengths.
Therefore, when you ask if there is
Then, you can look for his strengths.
learning disability and his social -
skills, the answer is probably “yes.” erous? Whatever his strength is,
make the most of it. Sign him up for
caused him to feel badly about his excel in. This will not only help him
self-worth. This in turn could make -
him hesitant to stand up for him- duce him to children his own age
self (a target for bullies) and also who share his passion. This way,
up to other people (an inability to stone – he will gain self-esteem and
maintain long-term friendships). friends.