Page 103 - 19-4 May 18, 22
P. 103

wraps  Snacks

               INGREDIENTS                        DIRECTIONS

               Main ingredients                   Prepare the Salted Caramel Peanut
                                                  Butter Popcorn Clusters
               1/3 cup sugar
               1/3 cup honey                      Combine  honey  and  sugar  in  a  small
                                                  saucepan,  allow  to  cook  together  over
               1/4 –1/3 cup Peanut Butter         medium  heat,  mixing  occasionally.  Bring
               1 teaspoon vanilla                 Remove  from  heat  and  mix  in  peanut
               1 teaspoon sea salt plus           butter, vanilla, and salt.
               additional for sprinkling on top   In the meantime, on a lined baking sheet,
               4 cups popped popcorn              spread  popcorn,  pretzels,  peanuts,  and
               2 cups mini pretzels               cranberries. Spread honey mixture on top
                                                  and mix well to coat.
               1/2 cup peanuts
                                                  If  using  chocolate,  place  about  1/3  cup
               1/4 cup Dried Cranberries          chocolate chips in a ziploc bag. Place that
               1–2 tablespoons desiccated         bag into hot water. When chocolate melts,
               coconut (unsweetened), optional    snip a tiny hole in the corner of the bag
               chocolate chips for chocolate      and drizzle chocolate on top.
               drizzle (optional)                 Sprinkle  with  additional  sea  salt  and
                                                  Place in fridge to set.
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