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                                            Effective July 20, 2021, Woodhull’s
                                       Women’s Health Services are available at the
                                         Jonathan Williams clinic in Williamsburg. It
                                          offers an alternative for those seeking a
                                               private, more intimate setting.
                                        Join the growing crowd of so many satisied
                                      women in our community who are thrilled with
                                      Woodhull’s Women’s Health services and their
                                          exceptional experiences giving birth at
                                                     Woodhull Hospital.
                                           We provide comprehensive obstetrical
                                        (physician and midwifery) and gynecological
                                      care for all women. Scan the QR code below to
                                              take a virtual tour of our private,
                                          family-friendly labor and birthing suites.

                                         NEW LOCATION: Call for more information
                                      Jonathan Williams  about our Maternity Services:

                                             Health Clinic   718-630-3149
                                      333 Roebling Street    For Appointments:
                                      Brooklyn, NY 11211     718-387-6407

                                                            •  Only NYC hospital on Newsweek’s
                                                              Best Maternity Care Hospitals 2020 list
                                                            •  Healthgrades 2020 Women’s
                                                              Care 5-Star Designated Facility
                                   Baby-Friendly Hospital

                                                                 STAY CONNECTED. FOLLOW US
           760 Broadway, Brooklyn, NY 11206            
            August 11 '21       The Bulletin  718.387.0123  •       E-11
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