Page 34 - 18-22 Sept 1, 2021
P. 34
It's A New Year!
By: Alice Hen
A new year marks the desire for new hunger, make sure to fill up on a healthy,
beginnings and improving our good nutritious snack or a light meal ahead of
habits. Whether you’re just starting,
coming back, or continuing, now’s
Some examples include:
the time to set new goals for the
upcoming year. 1/2 cup low-fat cottage cheese with fruits or
While holidays are fun, they come
1 tablespoon low-fat peanut butter + an apple
packed with goodies that may bump or any approved snack or treat.
you off track but don’t worry, as
I’ve compiled some tips and recipes
to help guide you through Rosh Always try to avoid sitting at the table
Hashanah. by a meal for hours. Distract yourself by
serving, learning, sitting on the couch,
Eat/drink ONLY the minimum required or playing with the kids. If you don’t
amount of challah and grape juice. have kids, play with someone else’s kids.
They’ll appreciate it and it will keep you
Portion your plate. Place on your plate; busy.
ONE protein (or a combo of two), a small
serving of starch (unless challah is your Change the flavor in your mouth to let
starch), and lots of vegetables. With this you know you are done with the meal.
guideline in mind, you can eat at anyone's Take a piece of sugar-free gum or candy,
table as long as you portion correctly. or make yourself a cup of tea for example.
There is often a long stretch between the Regarding Simanim: Use symbolically only.
meals. To avoid overeating because of
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E-26 The Bulletin 718.387.0123 • September 1 '21