Page 163 - 18-32 Nov 24 2021
P. 163
Main ingredients Prepare the Meat Latkes
15 medium-sized potatoes, Process potatoes and onion in a food
peeled processer using the grater/kugel
1 small onion, peeled blade.
5 eggs Transfer to a large bowl and add
1 and 1/2 pounds ground beef eggs, beef, salt, and pepper. Mix
1 tablespoon salt until well combined. (It will be
3/4 teaspoon ground black easier to do this if the meat is room
pepper temperature.)
oil, for frying Heat a large, nonstick frying pan
with oil and place large spoonfuls
of batter into the hot oil. Fry over
medium-high heat for about four
minutes on each side, or until latkes
are well-browned and meat is cooked
through. Remove to a serving dish
and continue with the remainder of
the latke batter.