Page 166 - 18-32 Nov 24 2021
P. 166



              INGREDIENTS                      DIRECTIONS
              Yapchik Latkes                   Prepare the Yapchik Latkes
                                               In a food processor or in a bowl using a hand
              3 large potatoes                 grater, shred potatoes and onion.
              1 small onion                    In a large bowl, beat eggs. Add salt and
              2 eggs                           matzah meal. Add the grated potatoes and
              1 teaspoon salt
              1/4 cup Matzo Meal               In a separate bowl, combine mayonnaise,
                                               mustard, and duck sauce. Add diced meat and
              2 tablespoons Mayonnaise         mix well.
              1 and 1/2 tablespoons
              mustard                          In a frying pan, heat oil over medium-high
              6 tablespoons Duck Sauce         potato batter into the frying pan. Place a
                                               tablespoon of the meat mixture above it. Then
              9 ounces pastrami or             place another tablespoon of potato batter to
              corned beef, cubed
                                               cover the meat mixture. Fry until the bottom
              oil, for frying                  is browned (about four minutes). Flip over
                                               and fry until the other side is also browned.
                                               Repeat for the rest of the latkes.
                                               Line a plate with paper towels. Remove latkes
                                               from frying pan and place on the plate to
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