Page 52 - 18-20_Aug 18, 2021
P. 52

                     the Scenes                       Guitar
                            with the
                     Guitar                          Lessons

                     Rebbe                                     for Boys

                                                                          TAR REBBE
                                                             E E E E E E E E E E E E E HEIMISHE GUITAR RE
                 Our weekly column,                     BY THE HEIMISHE GUITAR REBBE E
                  featuring the most
                common guitar Trends

                Q: Why just guitar?     you can start making music very quickly.
                                        We do however have plans for the near future to add classes
                A: The guitar is the best
                                        for other instruments such as Violin & Harp. We’ll make an
                instrument  simply  due  to  announcement once we have the details available.
                versatility, cost, and the fact
                that because it's a polyphonic   Q: What about the guitar lessons
                instrument it can be played solo
                or accompanied by others. The   in the camps?
                guitar is the second most popular   A: Last year we actually started offering Live Guitar
                instrument in America.  Workshops for Camps and Day Camps.
                Pick a Violin for example. The   The program is designed to put the kids into playing
                Guitar bs better than the Violin   guitar almost instantly. We do primarily in groups
                for multitasking (Like Singing   of 25 to 40 kids per class/ Every camper is
                or Playing an Accompanying   provided a guitar, and the main goal of
                Instrument) It's difficult to sing and   the program is towards the end of the
                play the violin at the same time.  summer, when all the campers gather
                ... If any sort of multitasking   for a grand Kumzitz!!!
                (like singing or playing another   It’s the most amazing and uplifting
                instrument) interests you, you're   experience you can ever watch.
                better off learning to play guitar.   The demand for this summer program
                Also, no other instrument will   picked up really fast. We have
                provide you the collective musical   bookings daily for camps’ both locally
                experience than the guitar. It’s   and in the mountains. It is probably
                almost like playing multiple   one of the only talents campers
                instruments at once…    carry on after summer is long over.
                Meanwhile, guitars are awesome
                for people who are very creative,   Next week’s topics:
                and  very  extroverted.  The  “My  kid  is  not
                instrument's low learning curve   musical. Can he
                means that it's probably the
                easiest instrument to learn, and   still succeed?”



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