Page 26 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
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Contents  xxv     Clinical Aspects of Tremorgenic        1039       Diagnosis                              1071
                                                                    Treatment and Prognosis
                                                                    Concluding Remarks and Future Directions
                    Treatment                            1039       References                             1071
                    Prevention                           1039       Further Reading                        1072
                  Concluding Remarks and Future Directions  1039
                  References                             1040   78. Ionophores
                                                                    Meliton N. Novilla
             75. Trichothecenes
                                                                    Introduction                           1073
                  Rhian B. Cope
                                                                    Background                             1073
                  Introduction                           1043       Pharmacology/Pharmacokinetics          1075
                    General Toxicological Characteristics  1043       Pharmacology                         1075
                    T-2 Toxin                            1047         Pharmacokinetics                     1076
                    Deoxynivalenol (DON, Vomitoxin)      1048       Mechanism of Action                    1077
                  Stachybotryotoxicosis, Myrotheciotoxicosis, and   Toxicity                               1079
                    Dendrodochiotoxicosis                1050         Pathogenesis                         1079
                  Concluding Remarks and Future Directions  1050      Occurrence                           1079
                  References                             1050         Clinical Signs                       1082
                  Further Reading                        1053         Postmortem Findings                  1083
                                                                      Histopathologic Findings             1084
             76. Zearalenone                                          Other Laboratory Findings            1085
                                                                      Diagnosis and Differential Diagnosis  1086
                  Ramesh C. Gupta, Michelle S. Mostrom              Treatment                              1088
                  and Tim J. Evans                                  Concluding Remarks and Future Directions  1089
                  Introduction                           1055       References                             1089
                  Background                             1055       Further Reading                        1092
                  Toxicokinetics                         1056
                  Mechanism of Action                    1057   79. Nonprotein Nitrogen (Urea) and
                  Toxicity                               1058       Hyperammonemia
                    Swine                                1058
                                                                    Rhian B. Cope
                    Ruminants                            1059
                    Equine                               1059       Introduction and Background            1093
                    Poultry                              1059       Chemistry                              1093
                  Treatment                              1060       Nonprotein Nitrogen Utilization Under
                  Biomonitoring and Risk Assessment      1060         Normal Conditions (Rumen pH 6.5 7.0)  1094
                  Concluding Remarks and Future Directions  1060    The Biological Value of Rumen Microflora
                  References                             1060         Protein                              1095
                                                                    Toxicity                               1095
             Section XVI                                            Clinical Signs                         1096
                                                                    Diagnostic Criteria
             Feed and Water Contaminants                            Treatment                              1096
                                                                    Ammonia (NH 3 ) Gas                    1097
             77. Melamine and Cyanuric Acid                         Concluding Remarks and Future Directions  1097
                                                                    References                             1097
                  Karyn Bischoff
                                                                    Further Reading                        1097
                  Introduction                           1067
                  Source                                 1067   80. Water Quality and Contaminants
                  Pharmacokinetics/Toxicokinetics        1068
                                                                    Michael P. Carlson
                  Mechanism of Action                    1068
                  Toxicity                               1069       Introduction                           1099
                  Clinical Signs                         1069       What Chemicals Should Be Included
                  Clinical Pathology                     1069         in Livestock Drinking Water Quality
                  Pathology                              1070         Assessment?                          1099
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