Page 300 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
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Renal Toxicity Chapter | 16  267  obstruction which increases the intratubular hydrostatic  ischemia. The medulla and renal papillae are at increased
                                                                risk for NSAID-induced hypoxic injury due to their
             pressure. This back-pressure results in leakage of ultrafil-
                                                                low oxygenation and relatively slow blood flow that pre-
             trate into the interstitium and peritubular capillaries and
             reduces the glomerular filtration pressure gradient, result-  disposes to accumulation of toxic substances (Radi,
             ing in decrease in GFR. Aminoglycosides also have some  2009). Dogs, rats, mice, and pigs are thought to be most
             direct glomerular effects including mesangial contraction,  sensitive to NSAID-induced papillary necrosis (Khan and
             mesangial cell proliferation and alteration of filtration bar-  Alden, 2002). Clinical effects of NSAID-induced renal
             rier selectivity. Toxicosis from aminoglycosides results in  injury include polyuria, polydipsia, dehydration, electro-
             loss of urine concentration ability, polyuria, proteinuria,  lyte imbalances and azotemia. Acute renal failure, inter-
             hematuria, cylindruria, azotemia and acute renal failure. In  stitial nephritis and nephrotic syndrome have also been
             spite of the significant renal injury that may develop due to  reported. Nonrenal effects of NSAIDs include gastrointes-
             aminoglycoside exposure, the renal effects are generally  tinal ulceration.
             considered reversible once the drug is withdrawn (Maxie
             and Newman, 2007). Additional adverse effects of amino-
             glycoside antibiotics include ototoxicity and induction of  Metals
             neuromuscular blockade.
                                                                The primary sources of exposure to cadmium are due to
             NSAIDs                                             contamination of food, water and air. Cadmium in soil can
             Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs are the most widely  be taken upbyplants (Doris et al., 2002), and cadmium in
             used analgesics in veterinary medicine and are the most  water can bioaccumulate in shellfish. Inhalation exposure to
             common drugs involved in accidental overdoses in com-  cadmium can occur through exposure to industrial exhaust,
             panion animals (Sebastian et al., 2007; Gwaltney-Brant,  fossil fuel combustion products and cigarette smoke; the
             2007). In both therapeutic and overdose situations, the  latter is one of the major nonoccupational sources of
             potential of most NSAIDs to have deleterious effects on  inhaled cadmium in humans (Gwaltney-Brant, 2002).
             the kidney must be considered. The adverse effects of  Acute cadmium toxicosis primarily manifests as pulmo-
             NSAIDs on the kidney result from the inhibition of  nary injury, while nephrotoxicity resulting from cadmium
             cyclooxygenases (COX) which results in decreased syn-  is most commonly due to chronic exposure. Cadmium is
             thesis of PGs. COX has two distinct isoforms, COX-1 and  poorly absorbed via the gastrointestinal tract, with less
             COX-2. COX-1 is constitutively expressed in most tissues  than 5% of ingested cadmium being absorbed. Inhaled
             through the body, while COX-2 is normally expressed in  cadmium is more readily absorbed into the blood, where
             tissues at low levels but can be induced in the presence of  it binds to metallothionein, a 6800 Da, cysteine-rich pro-
             proinflammatory mediators that are expressed in sites of  tein. Metallothionein transports cadmium primarily to the
             inflammation, pain or injury (Radi, 2009). COX-1 is the  kidney and liver, with lesser amounts accumulating in
             most abundant isoform expressed in the kidneys, and is  bone and testicle. The cadmium metallothionein com-
             located in the renal vasculature, collecting ducts and pap-  plex is filtered through the glomerulus and reabsorbed
             illary interstitial cells. COX-2 is minimally expressed in  from the filtrate into the proximal renal tubules by endo-
             the kidney and its localization within the different areas  cytosis (Khan and Alden, 2002). Within the phagolyso-
             and impact on production of PGs in the kidney is species  some, metallothionein is hydrolyzed, which releases the
             and maturation dependent. The kidney is a major site of  cadmium; the free cadmium triggers the de novo synthesis
             PG synthesis, and PGs exert a variety of diverse functions  of additional metallothionein. Once the level of intracellu-
             within the kidney, including modulation of renal blood  lar cadmium exceeds a species-specific threshold of toler-
             flow and GFR, regulation of sodium excretion and influ-  ance  (10 200 μg/g  wet  weight),  cellular  injury
             encing renin release. PGs produced through the action of  progresses. Cadmium-injured renal epithelial cells have
             COX-1 are considered “protective,” as inhibition of these  decreased reabsorptive capacity and decreased ability to
             PGs is associated with the majority of adverse effects  concentrate urine (Gwaltney-Brant, 2002). Low molecular
             from NSAIDs. NSAIDs such as ibuprofen are nonselec-  weight proteinuria (particularly β 2 -microglobulinuria),
             tive inhibitors of both COX isoforms, while newer  amino aciduria, calciuria and glucosuria develop. Renal
             NSAIDs may target COX-2, sparing COX-1 and resulting  lesions include proximal tubular cell degeneration and
             in fewer gastrointestinal and renal adverse effects (Khan  necrosis, granular casts, hyaline casts, tubular atrophy,
             and Alden, 2002). However, COX selectivity is species-  interstitial  inflammation  and  interstitial  fibrosis.
             dependent and can be lost in overdose situations. The pri-  Additional chronic renal lesions include nephrocalcinosis,
             mary impact of COX-induced inhibition of PG synthesis  fatty degeneration of pars recta tubular epithelium, and
             in the kidney is reduction of renal blood flow, resulting in  glomerular  disease  resembling  immune  complex
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