Page 301 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 301

268 SECTION | II Organ Toxicity  glomerulonephritis. Extra-renal effects of cadmium  recumbency, paralysis and coma; death occurs within
                                                                1 2 days of onset of signs. Gross lesions of pigweed tox-
             include osteoporosis and osteopenia, hepatocellular
                                                                icosis include widespread edema, most prominently
             Cadmium is a mutagen and putative carcinogen.      around the kidneys, rectum and omentum. Kidneys are
                                                                pale and normal to swollen in size. Histopathologic
             Lead                                               changes within the kidney include interstitial edema, scat-
                                                                tered hemorrhages and proximal tubular degeneration and
             The incidence of lead toxicosis has declined in the United
                                                                necrosis. Dilated tubules and tubules filled with necrotic
             States since the banning of lead-based paints in residential
                                                                debris are often present and interstitial fibrosis may be
             domicilesin1977andleadedgasolinein1996(with signifi-
                                                                present in chronic cases. Extra-renal lesions include
             cant reductions in use of leaded gasoline for the prior 20
                                                                edema and ulceration of the digestive tract.
             years). However, lead is still present in the paint of many
             older homes as well as common household items such as
             toys, artists’ paints, linoleum, lead weights, lead fishing sin-  Lilium spp. and Hemerocallis spp.
             kers and ornaments. Additionally, despite bans on the use of  Ingestion of some species of the genera Lilium and
             lead shot for hunting waterfowl, lead ammunition is still  Hemerocallis by cats has resulted in potentially fatal renal
             widely used on upland game, and lead toxicosis is still a sig-  dysfunction that has not been successfully reproduced in
             nificant cause of death among scavengers such as eagles and  other species including dogs, rats, and rabbits (Rumbeiha
             condors (Hunt et al., 2009; Stauber et al., 2010). Birds with  et al., 2004). Although the toxic principle remains
             lead toxicosis frequently present with emaciation and evi-  unknown, Rumbeiha et al. (2004) were able to demonstrate
             dence of renal tubular degeneration (Pattee et al., 2006).  that the toxic effects originated from an aqueous floral
             Acute lead toxicosis is most commonly associated with neu-  extract of the Easter lily. All parts of the plant, including
             rological signs in mammals, while chronic lead toxicosis can  pollen, are toxic, and even small ingestions can result in
             result in dysfunction of a variety of organ systems including  significant renal injury (Fitzgerald, 2010). Prevention of
             gastrointestinal, neuromuscular, central nervous, hematologi-  serious renal injury can often be achieved if aggressive
             cal and renal (Gwaltney-Brant, 2002). Degeneration and  intravenous fluid therapy is instituted within the first 18 h
             necrosis of proximal renal tubules results in oliguria, amino  following exposure. Clinical effects include vomiting,
             aciduria, glucosuria and altered tubular ion transport. Acute  depression, polyuria, polydipsia, azotemia, glucosuria, pro-
             renalfailure mayoccur followingexposuretolead, but CRF  teinuria and isosthenuria. Serum creatinine levels tend to
             is more common. Dense, homogeneous, eosinophilic intra-  elevate  disproportionately  to  blood  urea  nitrogen.
             nuclear inclusion bodies may be visualized in affected renal  Histopathologic lesions include proximal convoluted tubule
             tubular cells; although suggestive for lead toxicosis, these  degeneration and necrosis with denudation of basement
             inclusions are not pathognomonic as they can occur follow-  membrane and filling of tubular lumens with cellular debris
             ing exposure to other metals such as bismuth.      (Rumbeiha et al., 2004). Extra-renal lesions include vacuo-
                                                                lar degeneration of pancreatic acinar cells.
                                                                Quercus spp.
             Amaranthus spp.                                    Oak foliage and acorns provide forage to a variety of wild-
             The pigweed family includes several different species  life and livestock, but when oak is the primary source of
             capable of producing toxicosis, but Amaranthus retro-  feed for more than a few days, toxicosis can develop
             flexus is the species most commonly associated with dis-  (Burrows and Tyrl, 2001). Oak buds, acorns and young
             ease in domestic animals (Burrows and Tyrl, 2001). Renal  leaves are involved in the majority of reported livestock
             injury from pigweed has been reported in pigs, cattle and  poisonings, and most oak species have, at one time or
             sheep. Other herbivorous species are likely susceptible,  another, been implicated in animal poisonings. Cattle are
             although the disease was not able to be reproduced in rab-  most commonly affected, and reports in other species such
             bits fed A. retroflexus (Schamber and Misek, 1985). The  as horses, goats and sheep are rare. The primary toxic prin-
             toxic principle is not known. Although pigweeds do con-  ciples in oak are tannins, phenolic and polyphenolic com-
             tain some oxalates, the levels are low and the clinical syn-  pounds such as ellagic and gallic acids, and tannin
             drome and lesions caused by pigweed toxicosis are not  metabolites such as pyrogallol. At toxic doses, oak tannins
             consistent with those seen in oxalate nephrosis (Burrows  precipitate proteins in the digestive tract, causing erosions
             and Tyrl, 2001). Clinical signs generally begin following  and ulcerations as well as altering mucosal absorption bar-
             several days of ingesting the plant, although renal lesions  riers. Increased absorption of polyphenolic tannins via
             have been identified within 24 h of ingestion. Clinical  injured mucosa results in damage to the liver and kidney; in
             signs include weakness, ataxia, knuckling of pasterns,  rats, gallic acid was identified as the compound responsible
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