Page 342 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 342

Reproductive Toxicity and Endocrine Disruption Chapter | 17  309  TABLE 17.2 (Continued)  Recommendation  Comments

               Ketamine               B                Probably safe. Depression may be seen in puppies delivered by cesarean
                                                       section; may increase intrauterine pressure and induce premature labor.
               Lidocaine              A                All local anesthetics appear to be safe when used for a local nerve block or
                                                       epidural anesthesia.
               Meperidine             B                Opiates can produce neonatal sedation and respiratory depression, but the
                                                       effects can be reversed with the administration of naloxone.
               Methoxyflurane         C                Neonatal depression is seen when used for cesarean section.
               Morphine               B                Opiates can produce neonatal sedation and respiratory depression, but the
                                                       effects can be reversed with the administration of naloxone.
               Naloxone               A                Has been shown to be safe when administered to newborns within a few
                                                       minutes after birth.
               Nitrous oxide          B                Probably safe. Used frequently for cesarean section without adverse effects.
               Oxymorphone            B                Opiates can produce neonatal sedation and respiratory depression, but the
                                                       effects can be reversed with the administration of naloxone.
               Pentobarbital          D                Associated with high incidence of neonatal mortality.
               Thiamylal              C                Easily crosses the placenta; all barbiturates produce respiratory depression in
                                                       fetus; however, thiobarbiturates are not as toxic as pentobarbital.
               Thiopental             C                Easily crosses the placenta. All barbiturates produce respiratory depression in
                                                       fetus; however, thiobarbiturates are not as toxic as pentobarbital.
               Gastrointestinal drugs
               Antacids               A                Safe. Not absorbed systemically.
               Antiemetics            B                Probably safe if administered short term.
               Cimetidine             B                Safety has not been established, but no reports of toxicity in humans.
               Dimenhydrinate         B                Safe if used short term.
               Diphenhydramine        B                Safe if used short term.
               Diphenoxylate          C                Studies have reported adverse effects in laboratory animals, but no adverse
                                                       effects havebeen reported in pregnant dogs, cats and humans.
               Laxatives              B                All laxatives, except castor oil (Squibb), are considered safe if they are used
                                                       short term. Castor oil causes premature uterine contractions.
               Loperamide             C                Same comment as diphenoxylate.
               Metoclopramide         B                Safe in laboratory animals, but no studies available for cats or dogs.
               Methscopolamine        C                Safety not established.
               Misoprostol            D                Synthetic prostaglandin, causes a termination of pregnancy.
               Prochlorperazine       B                No reports of toxicity when administered short term.
               Ranitidine             B                Safety has not been established, but no reports of toxicity were reported in
               Sucralfate             A                Probably safe. Not absorbed systemically.
               Sulfasalazine          B                Salicylate component is not absorbed enough to produce adverse effects;
                                                       sulfonamide may produce neonatal icterus when used near term (see text).
               Cardiovascular drugs
               Atropine               B                Probably safe but may produce fetal tachycardia.
               Captopril              C                Has been shown to be embryotoxic in laboratory animals and goats.

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