Page 337 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
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304 SECTION | II Organ Toxicity  toxicants do not target particular cell lines per se, but,  (Cheeke, 1998; Burrows and Tyrl, 2001; Mostrom and
                                                                Evans, 2011; Evans, 2011a). It should also be noted that
             rather, disrupt the endocrine milieu of the tubular genitalia
                                                                other leguminous plants, such as soybean (Glycine max),
             or cause changes in ovarian structures secondary to
             alterations in the hypothalamic pituitary gonadal axis  which is commonly used as a feed source for agricultural
             (Haschek et al., 2010). There are, however, a number of  animals, can contain varying amounts of isoflavones.
             xenobiotics considered to be “ovotoxic.” Phthalates and  Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) contains another class of phy-
             TCDD can delay or decrease ovulations (Devine and  toestrogenic compounds referred to as coumestans
             Hoyer, 2005). Ionizing radiation and some of the same  (Cheeke, 1998; Mostrom and Evans, 2011).
             chemotherapeutic agents reported to adversely affect  The relatively inactive, “parent” glycosides for the
             rapidly dividing germ cells within the testes (e.g., cyclo-  most clinically relevant isoflavones in clover are formono-
             phosphamide, nitrogen mustard and vinblastine) can also  netin, biochanin A and genestin, and the total concentra-
             adversely affect primordial follicles within the ovary  tion of these phytoestrogens can be as high as 2 to 4%
             (Thomas and Thomas, 2001; Devine and Hoyer, 2005).  (20,000 40,000 ppm) in clover (Burrows and Tyrl, 2001).
             Several PAHs (i.e., BaP, 3-methylcholanthrene (3-MC)  Primarily within the gastrointestinal tract and, especially,
             and DMBA) and 1,3-butadiene appear to target oocytes  the rumen, formononetin is converted into an intermediate
             in preantral follicles, and DMBA, BaP and 1- and 2-bro-  metabolite, daidzein, and, then subsequently into the more
             mopropane, as well as 1,2-dibromopropane, can adversely  estrogenically active phytoestrogen, equol (Cheeke, 1998;
             affect antral follicular development (Devine and Hoyer,  Burrows and Tyrl, 2001). Conversely, biochanin A and
             2005). Exposure to free gossypol has been associated with  genestin are initially converted into genestein and then
             increased numbers of degenerating embryos in heifers  subsequently into estrogenically inactive phenolic com-
             (Casteel, 2007).                                   pounds (i.e., phenolic acid and p-ethylphenol).
                Like the testes, the ovaries also have some xenobiotic  Coumestrol is the primary phytoestrogen in alfalfa.
             biotransformation capabilities (Thomas and Thomas,  This compound has significantly greater estrogenic activ-
             2001; Haschek et al., 2010). As in other organs, oxidative  ity than many of the isoflavones present in other legumes,
             damage can adversely affect ovarian structure and func-  and this activity generally decreases during the drying pro-
             tion. In the case of 1,3-butadiene and 4-vinylcyclohexene,  cess involved in hay production (Cheeke, 1998; Burrows
             the adverse effects of these toxicants on small and grow-  and Tyrl, 2001). Coumestrol is usually only present at
             ing follicles are due, in part, to the toxic actions of the  very low concentrations (10 to 20 ppm) in the vegetative
             epoxidated metabolites of these xenobiotics (Devine and  stages of alfalfa growth, but its estrogenic activity can
             Hoyer, 2005).                                      vary with plant maturity and from year to year (Burrows
                                                                and Tyrl, 2001; Mostrom and Evans, 2011; Evans, 2011a).
             Heavy Metals                                         A number of clinical syndromes have been associated
                                                                with  phytoestrogen  exposure  in  domestic  animals.
             The ovaries do not appear to be as sensitive to the toxic
                                                                Precocious mammary development has been reported in
             effects of heavy metals as do the testes, and those
                                                                several instances of phytoestrogen exposure and can be
             adverse effects which are observed are more subject to
                                                                especially evident in dairy breeds of cattle and goats
             variation between species than what was observed in the
                                                                (Evans, 2011a). “Clover disease” in sheep and, to a lesser
             male gonads (Thomas, 1995). Anterior pituitary release
                                                                extent, cattle is associated with the consumption of the iso-
             of FSH and LH and ovarian steroidogenesis appear to be
                                                                flavones in clover, resulting in infertility associated with
             inhibited by cadmium in the female (Hoyer, 2006). With
                                                                abnormal estrous cycles and structural and functional
             respect to lead, the neuroendocrine function of the
                                                                changes in the cervix (Cheeke, 1998; Burrows and Tyrl,
             hypothalamic pituitary gonadal axis appears to be tar-
                                                                2001).  Phytoestrogen-induced  alterations  in  ovine
             geted by lead in the female, as well as in the male
                                                                cervical mucus interfere with the slow, sustained transport
             (Thomas, 1995; Hoyer, 2006).
                                                                of motile spermatozoa from their cervical reservoirs
                                                                (Cheeke, 1998). Genestein can induce structural changes
             Phytoestrogens                                     and, possibly, irreversible organizational abnormalities in
             Several genera of leguminous plants produce estrogenic  the cervix and uterus of exposed gilts (Ford et al., 2006).
             compounds collectively referred to as “phytoestrogens,”  Coumestan exposure in cattle can be associated with vari-
             which can be associated with clinically relevant effects in  ous and, sometimes, seemingly conflicting clinical presen-
             livestock species and companion animals. Species of clo-  tations (e.g., hyperestrogenism, nymphomania, swelling of
             ver, including subterranean clover (Trifolium subterra-  the external genitalia, estrus suppression, inhibition of
             neum), red clover (Trifolium pratense), white clover  ovulation and cystic ovarian disease) (Cheeke, 1998;
             (Trifolium repens) and alsike clover (Trifolium hybri-  Casteel, 2007). It is important to remember, particularly
             dum), contain phytoestrogens classified as isoflavones  when clinical signs are very different from what was
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