Page 334 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
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Reproductive Toxicity and Endocrine Disruption Chapter | 17  301  TABLE 17.1 (Continued)                       Observed Effect(s) on Male

               Non-steroidal antiinflammatories
               Naproxen                                     Decreased seminal prostaglandins; k sperm motility
               Phenylbutazone                               Inhibition of sperm acrosome reaction; unknown effect on fertility
               Sulfasalazine                                Decreased sperm number and motility
               Prednisone                                   Decreased sperm number and motility; k testosterone
               2,4-D (dichlorophenoxyacetic acid)           Abnormal sperm quality; testicular degeneration; k fertility
               Diquat and paraquat                          Altered sexual differentiation in the male
               Nitrobenzene                                 Decreased sperm number and motility; testicular degeneration
               Naphtha                                      Decreased fertility
               Phthalic acid esters
               Diethylhexaphthalate (DEHP)                  Testicular atrophy
               Gasoline additives
               Ethylene dibromide                           Testicular degeneration and poor sperm quality
               Carbamates                                   Decreased sperm quality
               Chlorinated hydrocarbons                     Testicular degeneration and atrophy
               Methoxychlor                                 Testicular degeneration associated with estrogenic activity
               Kepone                                       Decreased sperm number
               Lindane                                      High doses: testicular toxicant
                                                            In utero exposure: k sperm number and k testosterone in offspring
               Organophosphates                             No information
               Pyrethrins                                   In vitro: 40 60% k in testosterone binding to androgen receptor
               DBCP (dibromochloropropane)                  Decreased sperm number; testicular toxicant
               Vinclozolin                                  Antiandrogen: disruption of male phenotypic sexual differentiation
               Heavy metals
               Cadmium                                      High doses: ischemic necrosis of the testis
               Chromium                                     Decreased testosterone; k sperm number
               Lead                                         Decreased testosterone; k sperm number; k fertilization rates
               Mercury                                      Decreased sperm quality
               Miscellaneous xenobiotics
               Dioxin                                       Decreased libido; abnormal sperm morphology; k response to GnRH
               DBP (dibutyl phthalate)                      Altered sexual differentiation
               PCBs                                         Decreased sperm number; altered hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis
               Gossypol                                     Decreased sperm number
                                                                                                     (Continued )
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