Page 335 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 335

302 SECTION | II Organ Toxicity  TABLE 17.1 (Continued)                       Observed Effect(s) on Male

               Ethylene glycol                              Decreased sperm number and motility
               Environmental factors
               Heat                                         Damaged sperm chromatin and quality
               Microwaves                                   Decreased sperm number
               Radiation                                    High doses: death of stem cells and permanent azoospermia
               Stray voltage (AC and DC)                    Decreased sperm number
               Physiological factors
               Stress                                       Decreased sperm motility
               Fever (hyperthermia)                         Damaged sperm chromatin and quality
               This table was adapted, with permission, from Ellington and Wilker (2006).

                Like lead, cadmium is thought to adversely affect  cottonseed meal being much more readily bioavailable
             male reproduction by several different mechanisms. With  than the gossypol contained in whole seeds (Cheeke,
             respect to spermatogenesis, the stage of the seminiferous  1998; Casteel, 2007).
             epithelium associated with spermiation appears to be  Gossypol can cause systemic and reproductive disease
             specifically inhibited by cadmium (Thomas, 1995).  syndromes, depending on the species of exposed animal
             Cadmium has also been shown to have possible interac-  and the dosage of free gossypol consumed (Randel et al.,
             tions with the hypothalamic pituitary gonadal axis  1992). The toxic effects of gossypol are cumulative, and
             (Akinloye et al., 2006). The endothelium of the testicular  systemic disease, characterized by hepatic, renal, cardio-
             and epididymal vasculature is extremely susceptible to  vascular and pulmonary abnormalities, is generally
             toxic insult by cadmium, potentially resulting in reduced  observed in monogastric animals (Cheeke, 1998). Mature
             vascular perfusion and testicular necrosis (Haschek et al.,  ruminants are considered to be relatively resistant to the
             2010). Cadmium can also alter the actin filaments in the  severe systemic effects of free gossypol because of the
             junctional complexes between adjacent Sertoli cells,  propensity of this form of the pigment to become bound
             thereby disrupting the integrity of the blood testis bar-  to proteins in ruminal fluid and, therefore, “detoxified”
             rier (Thomas and Thomas, 2001). Cadmium can interfere  (Casteel, 2007). Gossypol-induced male subfertility has
             with the cellular metabolism of zinc, an essential trace  been observed in monogastrics and, especially, ruminant
             element necessary for normal reproductive function, and  species and is dependent on the dosage of free gossypol
             diets deficient in zinc can predispose individuals to the  and the duration of gossypol exposure (Randel et al.,
             toxic effects of cadmium (Akinloye et al., 2006).  1992; Cheeke, 1998).
             Pre-treatment with zinc has been reported to reduce the  Exposure of peri-pubertal or sexually mature males to
             incidence of cadmium-induced Leydig cell cytotoxicity  sufficient dosages of free gossypol adversely affects the
             and neoplasia (Thomas, 1995).                      seminiferous epithelium and disrupts normal spermiogene-
                                                                sis, resulting in spermatozoa with aplastic midpieces (i.e.,
                                                                segmental aplasia of the mitochondrial sheath) (Randel
             Gossypol                                           et al., 1992; Chenoweth et al., 2000). Additional sperm
             Gossypol is a yellow, polyphenolic pigment, which is  abnormalities, possibly associated with gossypol-induced
             contained in most of the parts of plants belonging to the  oxidative damage (Velasquez-Pereira et al., 1998), can
             Gossypium genus and is concentrated in pigment glands  potentially develop as stressors related to the acquisition
             within the seeds (Morgan, 2004; Casteel, 2007). Gossypol  of motility in the epididymidis, and alter the structural
             exists as two isomers (enantiomers) within plants (1 and  integrity of already weakened spermatozoa (Chenoweth
             the more toxic 2), and these isomeric forms can be non-  et al., 2000). The spermatozoal abnormalities induced by
             toxic and bound to plant proteins or toxic and “free” or  exposure of immature bulls to free gossypol are most
             unbound (Cheeke, 1998). The concentrations of the toxic  likely reversible (Hassan et al., 2004) and can be amelio-
             free form of gossypol vary widely in whole seeds and  rated by concurrent treatment with vitamin E (Velasquez-
             meals, with the gossypol in direct solvent-extracted  Pereira et al., 1998). Total dietary concentrations of free
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