Page 44 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 44

Concepts in Veterinary Toxicology Chapter | 1  11    10 −1 1                         Region where   morbidity and mortality has important implications for
                                                                assessing risks such as from air pollutants like particulate
                                                 excess health
                                                 risk can be
                                                                matter and ozone. For example, the Clean Air Act (CAA,
                             Supralinear         measured       1970) requires the EPA administrator to set National
                 10 −2
                                                                Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for these pollu-
               Added risk  10 −3                    Region where  tants at levels that are protective of public health with
                                                                an adequate margin of safety. If the exposure response
                                                                relationship for the pollutant in question has a threshold,
                                                    is required
                                                                then the setting of the standard is relatively straightfor-
                 10 −5                Threshold
                              Sublinear                         ward, thereby identifying the threshold concentration and
                       Range of ability to measure compounds    setting the NAAQS at a lower concentration for a given
                 10 −6
                    0   10 −4  10 −3  10 −2  10 −1  1  10 1  10 2  average time and statistical form. If a linear, no-threshold,
                                                                exposure response relationship is apparent, the question
                              Exposure (ppm)
                                                                arises as how to determine when the NAAQS is set low
             FIGURE 1.3 Schematic rendering of exposure response relationships  enough. McClellan (2011) has addressed that topic in a
             for various toxicants.
                                                                paper drawing on the guidance of Supreme Court Justice
                                                                Stephen Breyer in the legal case of Whitman v. American
             discussion of the concept of hormesis in which very low-  Trucking Associations (2001). McClellan (2011) has
             level exposures have positive effects with negative effects  emphasized the importance of “distinguishing between
             observed only at higher exposure levels (Calabrese and  (a) the science that informs the setting of the standard and
             Baldwin, 2003; Calabrese and Blain, 2005; Calabrese  (b) the policy judgments inherent in selecting the stan-
             et al., 2007). Technically, in hormesis there is a beneficial  dard.” This discussion is extended in a recent commentary
             effect at some low level of exposure, which decreases  (McClellan, 2016a) on estimates of attributable risk for
             with increasing exposure/dose and at yet higher levels  ambient particulate matter.
             adverse effects become apparent. The concept of hormesis  The early development of Threshold Limit Values
             has been well known for decades to veterinarians who are  (TLVs) for control of occupational exposures by The
             aware that certain agents, such as vitamins and minerals,  American  Conference  of  Governmental  Industrial
             are essential for life at low concentrations and can pro-  Hygienists (ACGIH), organized in 1938, assumed the
             duce toxicity with excess intake.                  existence of thresholds in exposure response relation-
                As an aside, there has been an on-going debate for  ships. The initial data used in establishing TLVs were
             decades as to whether linear exposure response relation-  provided primarily by opportunistic studies of occupation-
             ships, especially for cancer, are realistic, i.e., an added  ally exposed human populations. In the absence of human
             level of exposure, regardless of how small, results in a  data, data from controlled exposure studies in laboratory
             calculable monotonic increase in cancer risk. It has been  animals were used. This necessitated the use of safety
             argued by some that the linear exposure response model  factors to account for (1) interindividual variability,
             is appropriate for regulatory purposes for assessing cancer  (2) interspecies extrapolation, and (3) duration of the
             risks because every dose of a new agent is added to a  study, as will be discussed later. The original safety fac-
             background of genetic and other damage in somatic cells  tors were formally proposed by Lehman and Fitzhugh
             arising from multiple agents and endogenous factors.  (1954) of the FDA. In 1970, the newly formed USEPA
             I have discussed these issues in a recent book chapter on  began using the same factors. However, the EPA identi-
             radiation toxicity (McClellan, 2014). That discussion  fies them as uncertainty factors apparently out of a desire
             draws on the extensive epidemiological data available  to avoid use of a potentially contentious word: safety.
             on human populations exposed to radiation.           After World War II an increased public concern about
                In recent years the debate over the nature of the  the occurrence of cancer emerged. This was stimulated by
             exposure response relationship has been extended from  multiple factors. Extensive research conducted during and
             cancer as an endpoint to noncancer endpoints. Arguments  after the war on the effects of both external ionizing radi-
             for the use of linear nonthreshold exposure response  ation and internally deposited radionuclides emphasized
             relationships for noncancer endpoints have been advanced  the importance of cancer as a radiation-induced disease.
             by White et al. (2009). An alternative view has been  Concern for radiation-induced cancer was further height-
             advanced by Rhomberg et al. (2011a,b), namely, that lin-  ened when the intensive follow-up of Japanese A-bomb
             ear low-dose extrapolation for noncancer health effects is  survivors revealed an increase, first in hematopoietic
             the exception, not the rule. Extension of the debate over  neoplasms, and, later in solid cancers. These findings
             the nature of the exposure response relationship to non-  soon led to abandoning a threshold approach to evaluating
             cancer endpoints, such as respiratory or cardiovascular  radiation risks in favor of using a probabilistic or
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