Page 39 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 39

6 SECTION | I General  related field of environmental medicine, which has largely  became the American Academy of Veterinary and
                Some readers of this text will also be interested in the
                                                                Comparative Toxicology. A 1964 conference on veterinary
             developed with a focus on the influence of the environment
                                                                toxicology, organized under the auspices of the New York
             environment, including pollutants in air, water and food, on  Academy of Science (Gabriel, 1964), helped the field of vet-
             human health.on human health. Without question, there is a  erinary toxicology gain momentum. The ACVT was instru-
             need to integrate veterinary medicine, and specifically, veter-  mental in fostering the creation of the ABVT and its
             inary  toxicology  into  environmental  medicine.  recognition by the AVMA as the approved certifying spe-
             Environmental Medicine (Ayres et al., 2010a) includes a  cialty organization for veterinary toxicology. Dorman et al.
             lead chapter that I coauthored providing context for envi-  (2017) have prepared a brief commentary on the occasion of
             ronmental medicine (Ayres et al., 2010b). That chapter  the 50th anniversary of the ABVT. The ACVT initially pro-
             reviews important information on causes of death in low  posed that it would serve as the certifying body for veterinary
             and middle income versus high income populations   toxicology and all of the ACVT Fellows would be “grand-
             (Lopez et al., 2006) and the role of environmental versus  fathered” in as Diplomates. Ultimately, it was decided to cre-
             nonenvironmental factors as contributors to the global  ate a new entity, the ABVT. Three well-known veterinary
             burden of disease (Kung et al., 2008). Recognizing that  toxicologists, W. Binns, J.W. Dollahite, and R. Radeleff,
             this text edited by Gupta is intended for international  were accepted by the AVMA as Charter Members of the
             readers, the lead chapter in Ayres et al. (2010b) serves as a  ABVT. They prepared the first certifying ABVT examina-
             reminder of the wide range of environmental conditions  tion,whichwas givenin1967(see I was
             experienced by people around the world. Veterinarians  pleased to be one of five individuals (William Buck, Roger
             have an important role to play in promoting human health  McClellan, Fred Oehme, Robert Singer and VK Singh) in
             around the world in multiple ways such as by facilitating  the first class certified, based on examination, as Diplomates
             the production and availability of safe food products of  of the ABVT, with the first examination given at the 1967
             animal origin and aiding in the control of infectious agents  AVMA meeting in Dallas, Texas, United States.
             and communicating with clients and others about health  The SOT, with the world’s largest membership of toxi-
             issues. Indeed, over the past decade the “One Health”  cologists, was organized in 1961 (see Many
             concept has gained increased momentum. This concept,  of the organizers of the SOT were members of the
             viewed as the collaborative effort of multiple disciplines  American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental
             working locally, nationally, and globally to attain optimum  Therapeutics (ASPET) who felt toxicologists needed a
             health for people, animals, and the environment, is trace-  “home” of their own. I recall attending the organizational
             able to an initiative of the American Veterinary Medical  meeting of the SOT held in 1961 in conjunction with an
             Association (AVMA) when Roger Mahr served as presi-  ASPET meeting at the University of Rochester and the
             dent of that organization (AVMA, 2008).            excitement and enthusiasm of the attendees for creating the
                In addition to text and reference books, there are  SOT. The meeting was chaired by the late Harold Hodge of
             numerous journals published in the field of toxicology  the University of Rochester whowouldbeelected as the
             that regularly contain articles that relate recent findings  first president of the SOT. As an aside, it would be a few
             in veterinary toxicology. Many clinically oriented  years before I felt my credentials were sufficient that I could
             Veterinary Medical journals contain articles on veterinary  apply for membership in the SOT. The SOT now has a
             toxicology. The on-line search capabilities serving the  number of specialty sections including the Comparative and
             medical sciences, including toxicology and veterinary tox-  Veterinary  Specialty  Section  and  Toxicologic  and
             icology, are expanding at an exponential rate. Of special  Exploratory Pathology Specialty Section with veterinarians
             note are those maintained under the auspices of the US  being a majority of the membership of these sections.
             National Library of Medicine, MEDLINE and TOXLINE.  Veterinarians have played a major role in the SOT from its
                                                                founding with many serving in leadership roles. Four veteri-
                                                                narians (Perry Gehring, Frederick Oehme, Roger McClellan,
                                                                and James Popp) have served as president of the SOT.
             A number of professional scientific organizations have been  The SOT fostered the creation of the ABT, which held
             created as the field of toxicology, including veterinary toxi-  its first certifying examination in 1980 (see www.abtox.
             cology, has matured. The most noteworthy include the  org). I was pleased to be one of the first class of indivi-
             American College of Veterinary Toxicology (ACVT),  duals certified, based on examination, as Diplomates of
             American Board of Veterinary Toxicology (ABVT), Society  the ABT. The ABT has become the world’s largest entity
             of Toxicology (SOT), American Board of Toxicology  certifying toxicologists from around the world, including
             (ABT), and Academy of Toxicological Sciences (ATS). The  many Veterinarians, as Diplomates.
             ACVT was one of the earliest scientific societies in the  A third certifying entity, the ATS, which accepts
             field, having been founded in 1958; I joined it soon after I  individuals as Fellows based on a review of credentials,
             graduated from Washington State University in 1960. It later  was created in 1981 (see Many
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