Page 171 - Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Disorders in Small Animal Practice
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Disorders of Calcium: Hypercalcemia and Hypocalcemia  161

            and zoledronate is more than 10,000 times the potency of  mild volume expansion after dehydration has been
            etidronate. 410,412  Zoledronate is 100 to 850 times more  corrected.
            active than pamidronate. 59                            IV pamidronate at 1.3 to 2.0 mg/kg was highly effec-
              Inhibition of bone resorption by pamidronate occurs  tive in lowering serum calcium in dogs with experimental
            earlier and is maintained longer than that induced by  cholecalciferol intoxication. 499,500  Dogs treated with
            etidronate. Intravenous infusion of pamidronate has been  pamidronate (1.3 mg/kg in 150 mL saline administered
            the treatment of choice for severe hypercalcemia    intravenously over 2 hours), starting 1 day following
            associated with malignancy in humans, 60,123  controlling  ingestion, lost less weight and had significantly lower
            cancer-induced hypercalcemia in more than 70% 510  to  serum concentrations of phosphorus, tCa, and iCa than
            90% of human patients. 60  Intravenous administration of  those treated with saline or calcitonin. Mean serum tCa
            bisphosphonates is preferred over oral administration  decreased to within the reference range, and values for
            for treatment of severe hypercalcemia because some  iCa decreased but not to the same degree as that for
            patients will be vomiting and cannot tolerate oral medica-  tCa following pamidronate treatment. 500  In a subsequent
            tion. The use of intravenous zoledronate is the new  study, three different doses of pamidronate were given to
            treatment of choice because of its increased potency over  dogs after a single dose of cholecalciferol. 499  Clinical
            pamidronate, as well as the more convenient infusion  signs were fewest in dogs given the two higher doses of
            protocol of only 15 minutes.* Serum tCa decreases more  pamidronate. All dogs given any dosage of pamidronate
            rapidly, and maintenance of normocalcemia is nearly  were alert and lost less weight compared with saline treat-
            twice as long when treated with zoledronate compared  ment. The decreases in serum tCa were dose dependent.
            with pamidronate. 611                               Pamidronate lessened the reduction in the GFR in a dose-
              Acute renal injury and renal failure attributed to  dependent manner, but the GFR was still reduced by 20%
            precipitation of insoluble calcium-bisphosphonate salts  to 25% on day 14 (end of study). Minimal histopathologic
            in the renal tubules was reported in the early days of IV  lesions were seen in dogs treated with the low and inter-
            bisphosphonate treatment in humans, often after multiple  mediate doses of pamidronate; no lesions were detected
            doses and some with preexisting chronic kidney      in dogs treated with the high dose of pamidronate. It
            disease. 25,341,352,439  Renal toxicity in dogs may be more  appears that doses of pamidronate at 2.0 mg/kg are most
            likely when doses of 10 mg/kg or more of pamidronate  effective in dogs with cholecalciferol toxicity. Alhough
            are given. 499  The rate of infusion and the particular  not specifically reported, we have used this dose range
            bisphosphonate chosen influence the possibilities for  to treat dogs with primary hyperparathyroidism before
            nephrotoxicity. 4,384  Dehydration should be corrected  surgical correction in an effort to reduce crisis-level
            before bisphosphonates are administered to lessen the  hypercalcemia and to reduce postoperative “hungry-
            chances of renal injury. Depending on the bisphosphonate  bone” syndrome.
            used, several hours of 0.9% saline infusion may be required  Clodronate was used clinically to treat hypercalcemia of
            to attenuate potential adverse effects. Acute renal failure is  malignancy in one dog and hypervitaminosis D in another
            very uncommon today due to efforts to ensure hydration  dog. 448  Serum iCa and tCa concentrations were normal at
            before, during, and after bisphosphonate infusion. People  36 and 48 hours after a 4-hour infusion of clodronate (20
            with relatively severe azotemia can be safely given IV  to25 mg/kg),butlong-termresultswerenotreported.In
            infusions of bisphosphonates when given slowly and  a dog with severe hypercalcemia associated with adenocar-
            adequate hydration is maintained. 39,341,585  Acute intrin-  cinoma of the anal sac, a single 2-hour infusion of
            sic renal failure can occur in dogs given greater than or  pamidronate rapidly reduced serum tCa and iCa that
            equal to a dose of 10 mg/kg, according to the package  had not previously responded to intravenous fluids, calci-
            insert for pamidronate. Hypocalcemia can occur follow-  tonin, and furosemide. 283  In seven dogs with clinical
            ing treatment with bisphosphonates but this is not usually  calcipotriene toxicity, pamidronate (1.3 to 2.0 mg/kg
            a clinical problem.                                 intravenously) resulted in a decrease in tCa, phosphorus,
              IV pamidronate infusions at 1.0 to 2.0 mg/kg have  and creatinine. 230  In another clinical report, seven dogs
            been safely and effectively used to treat hypercalcemia  and two cats were given pamidronate (1.05 to 2.0 mg/
            in dogs and cats with malignancy, calcipotriene toxicity,  kg intravenously) for a variety of disease processes, and
            granulomatous disease, and idiopathic hypercalcemia of  treatment rapidly decreased serum calcium without evi-
            cats. 262  Beneficial effects were seen in these animals  dence of toxicosis. 262  In dogs with bone tumors, intrave-
            despite the presence of initial azotemia in more than  nous pamidronate (1 mg/kg given over 2 hours as a
            40% of these cases. It is important to deliver the  constant rate infusion) was administered every 28 days
            pamidronate as an infusion over at least 2 hours during  depending on progression of the bone tumor. 171  One
                                                                hundred thirty-three doses of intravenous pamidronate
                                                                were given to this group of 33 dogs. Only one dog devel-
                                                                oped renal toxicity 16 days following the second
            *References 38, 83, 347, 348, 411, 439, 611.        pamidronate treatment; this dog also had paraneoplastic
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