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Disorders of Magnesium: Magnesium Deficit and Excess  213

            complexed form (15% to 25%). Unlike calcium, which is  transepithelial concentration gradient generally favors
            approximately 40% protein bound, magnesium is only  absorption of magnesium from the gut and is influenced
            20% to 30% bound to protein and so is less affected by  by the gut intraluminal ionized magnesium concentra-
            changes in albumin concentration. 90,124  Inside the cell,  tion (chelated or complexed magnesium species do not
            magnesium is complexed to many organic compounds    contribute). Thus, total dietary intake of magnesium
            whereitplaysapivotalrole.Currentestimatesindicatethat  and intake of dietary constituents that influence the
            only about 1% to 2% of the intracellular magnesium is  amount of magnesium that is complexed or chelated
            present in the ionized or free form. Presumably,    may influence the net absorption of magnesium. The
            magnesium also shifts between the free and complexed  transepithelial voltage gradient is created by net move-
            intracellular forms as well, but the precise regulatory  ment of salt and water. A small positive intraluminal volt-
            mechanisms governing those shifts are not understood  age results in a small force favoring transepithelial cation
            at this time.                                       movement. Solvent drag created by sodium and water
                                                                reabsorption will also result in transepithelial movement
            GASTROINTESTINAL HANDLING OF                        of magnesium and other ions. Water and salt reabsorption
            MAGNESIUM                                           from the gut therefore has a significant influence on mag-
            The primary site of magnesium absorption appears to be  nesium absorption.
            the ileum, but the jejunum and colon also contribute sub-  The permeability of the paracellular tight junctions is
            stantially to net absorption. 70,71  The mechanisms of mag-  currently an area of intense study and interest. Numerous
            nesium absorption from the ileum are the most well  proteins exist in the tight junction that serve as ion
            studied at this time. Much research remains yet to  channels and influence permeability of many ions. Spe-
            completely understand the complexities of gastrointesti-  cific magnesium ion channels in the gut epithelial tight
            nal magnesium absorption. Several key mechanisms are  junctions have not been conclusively identified. Proteins
            currently well understood. Two pathways for intestinal  regulating magnesium movement through the renal epi-
            magnesium absorption exist: an unsaturable passive  thelial tight junctions have been identified (paracellin-1
            paracellular route and a saturable active transcellular  [PCLN-1]), leading to speculation that a similar protein
            route (Fig. 8-1). 70,71,80  The paracellular movement of  may exist in the gut as well. Once identified conclusively,
            magnesium occurs through the tight junctions between  further study will be required to determine if this tight
            epithelial cells. The driving forces for paracellular magne-  junction protein is selectively permeable and under what
            sium movement are: transepithelial magnesium concen-  influences such selectivity is expressed.
            tration gradient, the transepithelial voltage gradient  Active transcellular magnesium movement from the
            formed by salt and water absorption, and the permeability  gut is an area of very recent and exciting discovery. Study
            of  the  tight  junctions  to  magnesium. 81  The   of numerous inherited conditions of impaired magnesium
                                                                handling in humans led to an improved understanding of
                                                                magnesium transport across the gut epithelium and a
                  Lumen          Cell          Blood
                                                                in both the luminal and basolateral cell membranes of gut
                                                                epithelial cells. 35  Identification of two very unique ion
                                                                channels has only recently occurred. A unique family of
                  Mg 2+
                 1.0 mM         0.5 mM     0.7 mM               genes called the transient receptor potential (TRP) family
                                                                codes for both proteins. Both proteins are in the M sub-
                  Mg 2+  TRPM6      3Na +
                                         ATP                    family and are labeled TRPM6 and TRPM7, respectively.
                                             2K +               TRPM6 and TRPM7 are found extensively in membrane
                                                                surfaces of the small intestine, colon, and distal collecting
                                                                tubules of the kidneys, all sites that are involved in magne-
                                    Mg 2+                       sium regulation.* These two proteins are unique because
                                             Na +               they are the only known ion channels that combine a pro-
                                                                tein channel with an intracellular protein kinase or
                  +3 mV         –70 mV      0 mV
                                                                enzyme. As a result, much speculation has occurred about
                  Mg 2+
                                                                the role of the attached enzyme in magnesium homeosta-
                             Tight junction                     sis. 86,105,149  Magnesium-adenosine-triphosphate (Mg-
            Figure 8-1 Magnesium handling in the small intestine. Paracellular  ATP) appears to be the substrate for the enzyme portion
            transport of magnesium occurs via tight junctions down a favorable  of these channels resulting in inhibition of magnesium
            electrochemical gradient. Transcellular transport of magnesium  entry through the channel into the cell. 106  Physiologists
            occurs down favorable electrochemical gradients into the cell  generally agree that increasing intracellular levels of
            through TPRM6 channels. The net movement of sodium and water
            favors the net reabsorption of magnesium.           *References 5, 32, 86, 105, 119, 148, 149, 169.
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