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            identified and described, the influence of other factors  completely explained and is thus an area where further
            upon magnesium transport in DCT cells has been more  study is needed. The classic tetanic presentation of post-
            completely studied. Throughcomplexintracellularsignal-  parturient hypocalcemia in dogs is markedly different
            ing pathways, numerous hormones play a role in       from the paretic presentation of cattle. In addition, the
            regulating magnesium transport. Parathyroid hormone,  tetanic presentation of hypomagnesemia or “grass tetany”
            glucagon, antidiuretic hormone, insulin, aldosterone,  in cattle adds further evidence to suggest that neuromus-
            1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol, prostaglandin E 2 ,ß-  cular transmission is affected by complex interactions
            adrenergic agonists, and increased sympathetic stimula-  between calcium and magnesium. A case report of a lactat-
            tion via the renal nerve have all been shown to play a role  ingbitchwithsignificanthypocalcemiaandhypomagnese-
            in increasing magnesium conservation. 37,190  The intracel-  mia that presented with paresisrather than tetany adds fuel
            lular signaling pathways that occur following activation of  to the speculation that the type of presentation is depen-
            the receptor by any of these hormones/factors are com-  dent on numerous electrolyte factors and interactions
            plexandinterrelated.Asaresult,theroleofeachindividual  among them. 11  A follow-up retrospective study of serum
            factor, particularly amid the “noise” of multiple simulta-  electrolyte concentrations in 27 bitches with eclampsia or
            neous influences, is difficult to predict. Regardless, how-  post-parturient hypocalcemia revealed that 12 (44%) were
            ever, the sheer number of regulatory signals being sent  concurrently hypomagnesemic, further suggesting that
            to this portion ofthe nephron underscores the importance  that magnesium concentrations may play a role in the
            of magnesium balance within the organism.            pathophysiology of eclampsia in the dog and that magne-
               Like the gut and the thick ascending limb, the DCT  sium concentrations should be assessed in bitches with
            also possesses significant concentrations of the CASR.  eclampsia. 12
            Further study of this receptor has confirmed separate  Undoubtedly, lactation does play a role in gut and
            binding sites for both calcium and magnesium. 37,169  renal handling of magnesium. Elevation of parathyroid
            Thus, the receptor may be able to sense the extracellular  hormone, in addition to calcium concentration, most
            concentrations of both ions and send independent signals  likely plays a role in magnesium conservation during lac-
            to intracellular regulators (preferentially for calcium),  tation to supply the mammary glands with sufficient mag-
            allowing for completely separate control of magnesium  nesium. The pathophysiology of calcium and magnesium
            and calcium balance. 169  Once activated with magnesium,  handling during lactation and the exact triggers that
            however, the CASR sends a strong inhibitory signal via G  result in eclampsia will require further study.
            proteins, which negate the positive influence of peptide
            and steroid hormones and vitamin D 3 on magnesium    MANIFESTATIONS OF
            transport. 37  How it accomplishes this is not yet clear. Pos-  MAGNESIUM DEFICIENCY
            sible sites of action include the purported basolateral
            sodium-magnesium countertransporter or gating of the  Alargebodyofresearchispresentinthescientificliterature
            TRMP6 or TRPM7 ion channels. 37                      evaluating the effects of magnesium deficiency induced in
               The influence of other electrolyte and acid-base  animalmodels.Rodentmodelshavebeenmostcommonly
            abnormalities also can exert a powerful negative effect  used, but early literature also evaluated the effects of mag-
            on magnesium transport in the DCT. As in the loop of  nesium deficient diets in young growing dogs. Several of
            Henle, hypokalemia, hypophosphatemia, and acidosis   these early canine studies showed dramatic changes that
            all decrease magnesium reabsorption. 37  The precise  occurred within 2 weeks of introduction of the diet with
            mechanism of how these factors influence magnesium   increasing severity until 5 to 7 weeks when the animals
            transport is not known, and it is likely that each has a  were euthanized. 16,25,26,117,171  Poor growth rates and
            different mechanism. Their combined effect can there-  numerous dermatologic and soft tissue problems, such
            fore be additive because they influence magnesium    as dry brittle hair and nails, peripheral vasodilation and
            transport in different ways.                         swelling, and splaying of the paws, were identified in the
                                                                 early weeks of these trials. After 5 to 7 weeks, however,
            EFFECTS OF LACTATION                                 neuromuscular signs, including seizure activity, were
            The nutrient composition of both dog and cat milk has  noted and postulated to contribute to the death of these
            been recently studied. 1,2  Magnesium content of both  animals. 117,171  In two studies, significant myocardial
            cat and dog milk appears to be modestly higher during  necrosis with associated fibrosis and calcification were also
            the first 2 to 3 days of lactation, or in the colostrum of  noted after euthanasia. 160,178  Results of these trials
            both of these species, then tends to remain at a constant  assisted researchers in understanding magnesium’s
            level throughout the remainder of the lactation period. 1,2  physiologic role in the organism. As technology has
            This is in sharp contrast to calcium levels, which rise  improved, so too has our understanding of the central role
            consistently throughout lactation. 1,2               magnesiumplaysinthemaintenanceofhealthyorganisms.
               The contrasting presentation of postparturient hypo-  Magnesium’s importance to living organisms can be
            calcemia among species is an area that has not been  traced through the early development of life. Primeval
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