Page 98 - Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Disorders in Small Animal Practice
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            No information was provided about whether the cats in  identified in sled dogs anticipation of exercise, and during
            this report had vomited. In at least one ketoacidotic  prolonged endurance exercise. However, corrected chlo-
            dog, corrected hypochloremia also was found.  100    ride concentration did not change in sled dogs during high
            Patients with hypoadrenocorticism and hypoaldos-     intensity sprint exercise of extended (>10 miles) dura-
            teronism have chloride retention and hyperchloremic  tion. 95  Corrected hyperchloremia also was observed in
            metabolic acidosis because of the lack of mineralo-  dogs during and after agility competition. 85
            corticoids. These patients typically have decreased serum  Treatment of corrected hyperchloremia should be
            sodium and chloride concentrations caused by lack of  directed at correction of the underlying disease process.
            aldosterone. The hyponatremia is more pronounced than  The effects of fluid therapy on chloride concentration

            the hypochloremia, and Cl (corrected) is increased. 17  should be anticipated, especially in patients with diabetes
            Well-hydrated dogs with mineralocorticoid deficiency  mellitus or abnormal renal function. Special attention
            that are able to maintain serum sodium concentration  should be given to plasma pH because patients with
            usually  have  a  mildly  increased  serum  chloride  corrected hyperchloremia tend to be acidotic. Bicarbon-
            concentration.                                       ate therapy can be instituted whenever plasma pH is less
               Drugs that cause chloride retention also can cause  than 7.2 or bicarbonate concentration is less than
            hyperchloremia. Potassium-sparing diuretics such as  12 mEq/L in patients with hyperchloremic metabolic
            spironolactone act by decreasing the number of open  acidosis.
            aldosterone-sensitive sodium channels in the principal
            cells of the cortical collecting tubules. 81  Inhibition of  CONCLUSION
            sodium reabsorption at this site leads to hyperkalemia
            and hyperchloremic acidosis. Acetazolamide inhibits car-  Although it is the major anion in ECF, chloride has not
            bonic anhydrase in the proximal tubule, resulting in  received much attention in the clinical setting. It should
            bicarbonaturia, urinary alkalinization, and in rats, but  be remembered that the chloride ion also is important
            not in dogs, reduction in renal ammoniagenesis. 32,44  in the metabolic regulation of acid-base balance.
            Chloride reabsorption proceeds normally in the ascend-  The kidneys regulate acid-base balance by changing
            ing loop of Henle, resulting in chloride retention, 58  the amount of chloride that is reabsorbed with sodium.
            and   use  of  acetazolamide  is  associated  with   Chloride is important in determining the patient’s SID,
            hyperchloremia and metabolic acidosis. 51,81,83  Parenteral  and therefore changes in chloride concentration will
            nutrition can cause hyperchloremia, because some     reflect the patient’s acid-base status. Corrected hypo-
            solutions have high concentrations of cationic amino  chloremia is associated with increased SID and metabolic
            acids (e.g., lysine-HCl, arginine-HCl) that release chlo-  alkalosis. Chloride is the only anion in ECF that can con-
            ride and generate hydrogen ions. 52                  tribute to a substantial increase in SID. Administration of
               Fluid  therapy  is  another  important  cause  of  chloride is necessary for correction of hypochloremic
            hyperchloremia in hospitalized patients. Administration  metabolic  alkalosis.  Corrected  hyperchloremia  is
            of isotonic saline, lactated Ringer’s solution, or isotonic  associated with decreased SID and metabolic acidosis.
            saline with 5% dextrose has been associated with     Treatment with sodium bicarbonate should be carried
            corrected hyperchloremia in dogs. 11,82  Hyperchloremia  out in hyperchloremic patients with a pH of less than 7.2.
            can be exacerbated by intravenous infusion of 0.9%
            sodium chloride. 57  Isotonic sodium chloride solution
            supplemented with 20 mEq/L of KCl has a final sodium  REFERENCES
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