Page 32 - The Toxicology of Fishes
P. 32

12                                                         The Toxicology of Fishes

                        Chemical structure and properties dictate not only persistence in the aquatic environment but also the
                       primary compartments (e.g., water, sediment, suspended particles) with which a chemical is associated
                       and, by extension, routes through which a fish is likely to be exposed. One particularly important property
                       controlling the behavior of a chemical in the aquatic environment is its hydrophobicity. A measure of
                       relative hydrophobicity that is often used in aquatic toxicology is the octanol–water partition coefficient
                       (K ).* Chemicals with large log K   values, in particular those with log K   > 5, are considered
                       hydrophobic and tend to be associated with organic materials in aquatic systems, especially sediments.
                       Hydrophobic chemicals of environmental concern in this class include most  PAHs, PCBs, PCDFs,
                       PCDDs, and some organochlorine pesticides and organometals.
                        An important variable in chemical fate and bioavailability is the fraction of chemical that is freely
                       dissolved; for example, nonionic organic compounds or cationic metals complexed by dissolved organic
                       carbon (DOC)† are often far less bioavailable than their uncomplexed forms. Although this is an important
                       guiding principle in the area of bioavailability prediction, empirical demonstration of the concept has
                       proved challenging in that it is very difficult to reliably measure freely dissolved chemicals. As an
                       example, although a common operational definition of dissolved metal is the ability to pass through a
                       0.45-µm filter, it is well known that metals bound to some types of colloidal organic carbon also can
                       pass through this pore size. Analogous problems exist in defining fractions of organic chemicals that are
                       freely dissolved. Often, it is easier to predict than measure dissolved fractions of some chemicals using
                       partitioning and speciation models. As a consequence, assessment of contaminant bioavailability might
                       rely on predictive models that consider properties of both the chemical and the aqueous environment
                       under consideration, in conjunction with measurements of total chemical concentrations. An example of
                       this approach is provided in the case study below concerning 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin.
                        Another important property used to describe the behavior of many ionizable compounds is their degree
                       of dissociation at  pH values typically found in aquatic systems. Charged molecules are more water
                       soluble, while neutral forms of the same chemical tend to be more hydrophobic and thus more associated
                       with organic carbon than water. The speciation of strong acids (or bases) will not be affected by pH
                       variations typical of most aquatic environments; however, the behavior of chemicals with pK ‡ values
                       in the range of approximately 5 to 9 can be greatly affected by system-specific variations in pH. Chemicals
                       whose pK  values are important determinants of fate and bioavailability include weak acids, such as
                       phenolic compounds, some surfactants and resin acids, and weak bases such as ammonia.
                        The interaction of chemicals with biotic and abiotic ligands in the aquatic environment influences
                       their speciation and partitioning into different environmental compartments. A major partitioning phase
                       for many nonionic organic chemicals is DOC and particulate organic carbon (POC), both in the water
                       column and sediments. The interaction between these types of chemicals and organic carbon can be
                       modeled based on their K  values. A predictable and generally linear relationship exists between the
                       log K  of a chemical and the log K ,§ so knowledge of K  can be useful for deriving organic carbon
                       partitioning relationships for predicting bioavailability. In the case of organic and inorganic ions, ionic
                       constituents of the water can affect chemical speciation; for example, certain types of DOC (i.e., humic
                       acids) as well as some inorganic anions can strongly complex cationic metals, thereby controlling
                       partitioning and subsequent bioavailability.
                       * The octanol–water partition coefficient (K ow ) is the equilibrium ratio of the concentration of a chemical in n-octanol to its
                       concentration in water, commonly expressed as its base 10 logarithm, log K ow .
                       † Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) is the carbon present in the complex mixture of organic molecules dissolved in water, con-
                       sisting largely of organic acids originating from the decomposition of plant material, including fulvic and humic acids. This
                       is in contrast to particulate organic carbon (POC), which refers to the carbon present in the complex mixture of particulate
                       material suspended in water, including resuspended sediment and detritis, soil particles, leaf litter, bacteria, phytoplankton,
                       and zooplankton. POC and DOC are often defined operationally as that portion of the total organic carbon (TOC) in water
                       retained and not retained, respectively, by a filter with a pore size of 1.0 µm or less (commonly 0.45 µm).
                       ‡ The acid dissociation constant (K a ) is the equilibrium constant for the dissociation of an acid into hydrogen ion and its con-
                       jugate base. pK a  = –log 10 (K a ) and is equal to the pH at which half of the chemical is ionized.
                       § The organic carbon–water partition coefficient (K oc ) is the equilibrium ratio of the concentration of a chemical associated
                       with organic carbon (measured as the mass of chemical per mass of carbon) to its free concentration in water. The value for
                       this coefficient will depend on the composition of the organic carbon phase, which varies among aquatic systems, between
                       the water column and sediment, and between dissolved and particulate phases.
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