Page 33 - The Toxicology of Fishes
P. 33

Bioavailability of Chemical Contaminants in Aquatic Systems                  13

                       FIGURE 2.2 Movement of chemicals through aquatic food webs. Numbers denote trophic level of organism (e.g., 1.0,
                       primary producers; 2.0, strict herbivores).

                        An additional type of interaction that can be important for the speciation of ionized chemicals is
                       competition with other ions in speciation reactions. This is particularly important for divalent cationic
                       metals, such as copper (see case study below), whose speciation and partitioning can be greatly influenced
                       by structurally similar but relatively nontoxic cations such as calcium and magnesium.
                        An understanding of chemical bioavailability requires understanding not only the chemical reactions
                       within an environmental compartment but also how the chemical moves among compartments. An
                       important route of exposure for cationic metals, for example, is via the gill in fish, yet the major repository
                       of some metals in many aquatic systems is the sediment. Therefore, to completely assess the potential
                       for a cationic metal to produce toxicity requires an understanding of bioavailability as it relates to both
                       water and sediment. In fact, the dynamic relationship between the water column and sediments, which
                       serve both as a source and sink for contaminants, is so critical that most state-of-the-art fate and effects
                       modeling at the watershed level explicitly considers interactions between the two compartments.
                        The interplay between the water column and sediments becomes particularly important for food webs
                       that determine contaminant exposure in fish diets (Figure 2.2). Contaminants in these food webs can
                       originate from the water column via absorption from solution by phytoplankton and other suspended
                       particles, which are consumed by filter feeding animals, which in turn support a series of predators. The
                       contaminants might also originate from sediments, where various invertebrates accumulate chemicals
                       from pore water or ingested sediment particles, thus providing another food base for predators. The
                       resulting dietary exposures to fish will have both water column and benthic components, the relative
                       importance of which will vary depending on the distribution of contaminant between the water column
                       and sediment, chemical speciation within the water and sediment, the nature of the food web, and the
                       position of the fish within the food web.

                       Accumulation via Gills and Skin
                       Fish gills serve a variety of physiological functions, including respiratory gas exchange, osmoregulation,
                       nitrogen excretion, and control of  acid–base balance (Hoar and Randall, 1984). Because of these
                       functions, fish gills have the following features important for the exchange of toxic chemicals between
                       a fish and its environment:
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