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130  Section D: Cardiomyopathies

              highest prevalence rate of 50% for LV hypertrophy by   left ventricle, and a limited number of acoustic windows
              2D  measurements,  and  prevalence  was  lower  (28%)   in  the  cat.  In  other  words,  the  ability  to  visualize  the
              when using M-mode measurement of 5.5 mm or greater   entire left ventricular myocardium often limits the use
              wall thickness (Wagner et al. 2010). There is no valida-  of  Simpson’s  rule  by  echocardiography  to  correctly
              tion  of  which  criterion  (5.5 mm  or  greater,  6 mm  or   measure LV mass using echocardiography in the cat.
              greater, or >50% wall segment 6 mm or greater), is the   Papillary muscle hypertrophy is sometimes the only
              most appropriate for diagnosing presence of LV hyper-  abnormality present in cats with early HCM, and con-
              trophy and HCM, although standard practice typically   centric hypertrophy often develops 6–12 months later.
              utilizes a maximal thickness of 6 mm or greater in any   Papillary muscle hypertrophy is often a subjective assess-
              part of the wall segment. Further prospective evaluation   ment.  Normal  cat  papillary  muscles  are  slender,  and
      Cardiomyopathies  Maine coon cats and Ragdoll cats, and histopathologic   base,  larger,  and  on  the  short-axis  echocardiographic
                                                                 hypertrophied  papillary  muscles  become  wider  at  the
              of these patients over time, including genotypic data for
                                                                 view  of  the  left  ventricle  may  have  a  more  triangular
              evaluation may help define which criterion is the most
                                                                 shape (i.e., moundlike) rather than a slender elliptical
              appropriate to diagnose HCM.
                                                                 shape (i.e., like the tip of a pinkie finger) (Figure 11.12).
                 Left ventricular mass measurements allow the most
              accurate assessment of extent of left ventricular hyper-
                                                                 muscle,  creating  a  disproportionate,  distorted  shape.
              trophy, but are not typically done for clinical patients.   Papillary hypertrophy may occur in just one papillary
              Left ventricular mass may be measured by echocardiog-  This must be differentiated from oblique imaging of a
              raphy  using  several  methods  that  require  geometric   normal papillary muscle due to poor technique, because
              assumption  of  an  elliptical  left  ventricular  shape,  and   the left ventricle should appear round (and its lumen
              most cardiac ultrasound machines can calculate LV mass   should  appear  mushroom-shaped)  in  an  appropriate
              from  routine  left  ventricular  echocardiographic  mea-  short-axis view rather than oblong. Hypertrophied pap-
              surements  (Devereux  et  al.  1986;  Stack  et  al.  1987;   illary muscles often appear hyperechoic, either patchy or
              Schiller  et  al.  1983).  However,  when  using  routine  LV   diffusely, which is attributed to myocardial fibrosis. The
              measurements and M-mode–derived calculations for LV   papillary muscles are the most vulnerable to myocardial
              mass that include cubing the wall thickness followed by   ischemia, since they are further removed from the (epi-
              various  volume-correcting  formulae,  these  techniques   cardial) coronary arterial blood supply than the rest of
              have been shown to overestimate or underestimate left   the LV myocardium. Quantitative methods of measur-
              ventricular mass by 6–30% depending on the formula   ing  papillary  muscle  size  have  been  described  in  cats
              used (Devereux et al. 1986). The truncated ellipse model   with  LV  hypertrophy  and  compared  to  normal  cats
              and  the  cylinder  ellipse  area-length  model  have  been   (Adin and Diley-Poston 2007); such measurements are
              validated in dogs and in cats, and reasonably quantify   not  yet  performed  systematically  in  clinical  cases.
              left  ventricular  mass  (Schiller  et  al.  1983;  MacDonald    Papillary muscle size can be quantified on routine 2D
              et al. 2004). The modified truncated ellipse model was   studies,  using  several  techniques:  the  area  subtraction
              validated in domestic short hair cats that were normal   method (subtracting the LV myocardial area including
              or had mild left ventricular hypertrophy, and was mod-  the  papillary  muscles  from  the  LV  myocardial  area
              erately correlated with actual left ventricular mass mea-  excluding  papillary  muscles),  the  direct  area  trace
              sured at necropsy (R = 0.85, P = 0.015) but consistently   method (directly tracing the area of the papillary muscle
              underestimated  LV  mass  (actual  LV  mass = 3.07  +   and extrapolating the ventral surface as the continuation
              0.76(echo-derived  LV  mass)  (MacDonald  et  al.  2004).   of the endocardial surface of the LV free wall), and the
              All  formulae  described  above  are  still  plagued  with   papillary diameter method (measuring the vertical and
              assuming uniform geometric shape of the left ventricle,   horizontal  diameters)  (Adin  and  Diley-Poston  2007).
              which is invalid in HCM. The most accurate method of   Although there was some overlap in papillary size com-
              left  ventricular  mass  quantification  is  the  method  of   pared  to  normal  cats,  cats  with  LV  hypertrophy  had
              discs  (Simpson’s  rule),  where  the  myocardial  volume   larger  papillary  size  (120–155%  greater  than  normal
              (volume  of  the  ventricle  including  walls  and  lumen,   papillary  measurements)  quantified  by  methods
              minus the volume of the LV lumen) is summated in a   described above (Adin and Diley-Poston 2007).
              series  of  parallel  discs  from  the  annulus  to  the  apex   End-systolic  cavity  obliteration  is  diagnosed  when
              (Reichek  1994).  This  method  allows  measurement  of   there is no left ventricular chamber lumen remaining at
              irregular  areas  and  has  fewer  geometric  assumptions.   the end of systole, and it is caused by severe concentric
              However, echocardiography is often inadequate due to   hypertrophy of the papillary muscles and left ventricular
              poor visualization of the cardiac apex, inadequate and   walls (see Figure 11.9C). End-systolic cavity obliteration
              incomplete delineation of the epicardial surface of the   is a common feature of HCM, but may also be present
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