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Chapter 11: Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy  133

               cusps, and the first diastolic frame of aortic valve closure   The degree of left atrial dilation is usually a subjective
               is selected (see Figure 11.13) (see also Chapter 7). The   finding. While exact cutoff values for mild, moderate,
               aortic diameter is measured by a line parallel to the com-  and severe left atrial dilation have not been formalized,
               missures of the right coronary and noncoronary cusps,   suggested  parameters  include  LA:Ao = 1.51–1.79,  1.8–
               using the inner edge method. The left atrial diameter is   1.99,  2.1,  and  ≥2.01,  respectively  (Box  11.2,  see  also
               measured by a line parallel to the commissure of the left   Figure 11.13).
               coronary and noncoronary cusp, with care to avoid the    Identification of left atrial dilation in a cat with HCM
               pulmonary  vein  insertion  into  the  left  atrium  (which   confirms that there is significant diastolic dysfunction
               would  overestimate  left  atrial  diameter)  (see  Figure   leading  to  increased  diastolic  filling  pressures.  Mitral
               11.13). In a study of 17 healthy cats, normal 2D-derived   regurgitation secondary to SAM of the mitral valve may
               LA:Ao  was  1.18 ± 0.11  (Abbott  and  MacLean  2006).   also contribute to left atrial dilation. In cats with severely
               LA:Ao ratio of >1.5 is consistent with left atrial dilation   elevated left atrial pressure, there is  often echocardio-
               (Abbott and MacLean 2006). Using the same right para-  graphic evidence of pulmonary venous distension seen   Cardiomyopathies
               sternal  short-axis  view,  M-mode  echocardiographic   at the insertion of the anterior and posterior pulmonary
               measurement of the LA:Ao involves directing the cursor   veins into the roof of the left atrium (see Figure 11.13).
               through the body of the left atrium as well as perpen-  In cats presenting with pulmonary infiltrates or pleural
               dicular to the short axis of the aorta at the level of the   effusion, assessment of left atrial size is crucial for deter-
               aortic cusps. The aortic diameter is measured at end-  mining  whether  there  is  left-sided  congestive  heart
               diastole just before the aortic cusps open, and the left   failure versus primary respiratory disease. Identification
               atrial diameter is measured at end-systole just when the   of normal left atrial size in cats diagnosed with HCM
               aortic cusps close, using a leading edge to leading edge   that also have pulmonary infiltrates or pleural effusion
               technique  (Figure  11.14).  Normal  M-mode–derived   and no known inciting trigger such as intravenous fluid
               LA:Ao in cats is 1.25 ± .18 with 95% confidence interval   administration virtually eliminates left-sided congestive
               of 1.21– 1.29 (Drourr et al. 2005).               heart failure from the diagnosis.
                                                                   Spontaneous echocardiographic contrast (i.e., smoke)
                                                                 may  be  seen  throughout  a  dilated  left  atrium  or  only
                                                                 within the left auricle and it occurs when there is red cell
                                                                 aggregation. Spontaneous contrast is viewed as the pre-
                                                                 cursor to a clot and suggests that there is a high risk for
                                                                 development  of  arterial  thromboembolism.  In  these
                                                                 cases, it is particularly important to carefully evaluate
                                                                 for a thrombus, especially within the stagnant blood of
                                                                 the left auricle in a dilated left atrium, because cats with
                                                                 intracardiac thrombi have higher mortality rates and are
                                       Ao                        at  great  risk  for  massive  thromboembolic  event  or
                                                                 sudden  death  (Figure  11.15).  The  left  auricle  has  the
                                                                 slowest blood flow velocity within the left atrium and
                                                                 also has small branching pectinate muscles, both favor-
                                                                 ing thrombus formation in the auricle. Cats with spon-
                                                                 taneous contrast or an intracardiac thrombus should be
                                                                 placed on an anticoagulant (see Chapter 20).
               Figure 11.14.  M-mode	echocardiogram	showing	left	atrial	dila-
               tion	in	a	cat	with	severe	hypertrophic	cardiomyopathy.	The	M-
               mode	cursor	is	placed	through	the	aortic	root	at	the	level	of	the	  BOX 11.2.	 Echocardiographic	Assessment	of	Left	Atrial	Size
               aortic	cusps	and	through	the	body	of	the	left	atrium.	This	image	is
               obtained	from	the	same	cat	as	depicted	in	Figure	11.13C.	The	aor-  Left	atrial	diameter	to	  Left	atrial
               ta	is	measured	at	end-diastole	just	before	the	aortic	cusps	open,	  aortic	diameter	(LA:Ao)  diameter	(mm)
               and	the	left	atrial	diameter	is	measured	at	end-systole	when	the
               aortic	cusps	close,	using	a	leading	edge	to	leading	edge	tech-  Normal:  <1.5         <16
               nique.	The	left	atrial	diameter	is	indexed	to	the	aortic	diameter	  Mild	LAE:  1.51–1.79  16–19.9
               (LA:Ao),	and	in	this	cat	is	moderately	increased	at	1.7.	Care	must	  Moderate	LAE:  1.8–1.99  20–24
               be	taken	to	avoid	measuring	the	left	auricle	rather	than	the	body	  Severe	LAE:  >2   >24
               of	the	left	atrium,	as	this	would	grossly	underestimate	left	atrial	  LAE	=	left	atrial	enlargement
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