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144  Section D: Cardiomyopathies

              the  basilar  interventricular  septum  and  the  maximal   software that enables faster quantification of LV mass or
              length of the LV (Figure 11.21). Short-axis slices are then   ventricular volumes, but this feature comes at a signifi-
              acquired perpendicular to the long-axis, from just above   cant financial expense.
              the mitral annulus to below the apex (see Figure 11.21).
              Short-axis views are used for endocardial and epicardial   Cardiac MRI for left ventricular mass
              tracings  to  quantify  LV  intracardiac  volume  and  LV   quantification
              mass. LV mass is calculated using Simpson’s rule. The   Cardiac  MRI  (cMRI)  has  been  shown  to  be  the  most
              endocardial and epicardial borders are traced on slices   accurate method of noninvasive LV mass quantification
              from base to apex at a defined phase of the cardiac cycle   in normal people and people with HCM, as well as in
              (Figure 11.22). LV myocardial volumes are summated,   animals as small as mice (see Figure 11.22) (Soler et al.
      Cardiomyopathies  obtain LV mass. There is semiautomated edge detection   between cMRI calculated LV mass and actual LV mass
                                                                 2003;  Franco  et  al.  1998).  There  is  good  agreement
              and  multiplied  by  myocardial  density  (1.05 g/cm )  to
                                                                 in dogs and people, with a mean difference of 4.4 and
                                                                 10 grams for mean LV masses of 87 g and 190 g, respec-
                                                                 tively (Myerson et al. 2002; Katz et al. 1988). cMRI using
                                                                 Simpson’s  rule  more  accurately  quantifies  LV  mass  in
                                                                 normal  people  and  people  with  HCM  than  using
                                                                 3-dimensional echocardiography (with Simpson’s rule),
                                                                 biplane MRI, or biplane echocardiography (Devlin et al.
                                      LA                         1999).  Whether  using  cMRI  or  echocardiography,
                                                                 Simpson’s  rule  more  accurately  quantifies  LV  mass  in
                                     LV                          people than geometric models, especially in people with
                                                                 HCM. cMRI allows better complete visualization of the
                                                                 LV  and  better  morphologic  assessment  of  degree  and
                                                                 extension of LV hypertrophy in humans with HCM. For
                                                                 example, one study found that LV wall thickness could
                                                                 be measured in only 67% of myocardial segments using
                                                                 echocardiography,  versus  97%  of  LV  segments  using
                                                                 cMRI (Pons-Llado et al. 1997). cMRI also has been shown



              Figure 11.21.  Four-chamber	long-axis	view	and	short-axis	view	  Figure  11.22.  Endocardial	 and	 epicardial	 tracing	 to	 quantify
              of	the	heart	of	a	cat	with	hypertrophic	cardiomyopathy	using	car-  myocardial	mass	in	a	cat	with	hypertrophic	cardiomyopathy	us-
              diac	magnetic	resonance	imaging.	A	4-chamber	long-axis	view	  ing	cardiac	magnetic	resonance	imaging.	Endocardial	(2)	and	epi-
              (A)	of	the	heart	in	this	cat	with	severe	HCM	is	acquired	by	pre-  cardial	(1)	borders	are	manually	traced	at	end-systole	for	all	slices
              scribing	an	imaging	axis	from	the	sagittal	and	coronal	localizer	  extending	from	the	mitral	annulus	to	the	apex.	Myocardial	area
              views.	Slices	are	placed	perpendicular	to	the	long-axis	to	obtain	  is	the	difference	between	epicardial	and	endocardial	area	and	is
              the	short-axis	view	(B).	There	is	massive	concentric	hypertrophy	  multiplied	by	slice	thickness	to	determine	myocardial	volume.	To-
              of	the	anterior	free	wall	of	the	left	ventricle,	and	papillary	hy-  tal	myocardial	volume	is	the	sum	of	myocardial	volumes	of	each
              pertrophy.	LA	=	left	atrium;	LV	=	left	ventricle;	RA	=	right	atrium;	  slice,	and	is	then	multiplied	by	the	density	of	muscle	(1.05	g/cm )
              RV	=	right	ventricle.                              to	determine	LV	mass.
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