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288  Section G: Congestive Heart Failure

              failure  and  acute  anuric  or  oliguric  renal  failure  are   centration, indicating alternative mechanisms in addi-
              uncommon,  making  the  difference  between  classes  of   tion to generation of ATII for stimulation of aldosterone
              ACE inhibitors clinically trivial. Chronic kidney disease,   synthesis in the process of aldosterone escape (MacFadyen
              with  gradual  loss  of  renal  function,  is  much  more   et al. 1999). Similar to human medicine, persistent aldo-
              common in cats, and drug dosage adjustments should   sterone elevation has been found in 60% of Maine coon
              be  made  periodically  with  all  drugs  based  on  timely   cats  receiving  long-term  treatment  with  ramipril  and
              assessment of renal function.                      50% of dogs given long-term enalapril, despite low ACE
                 Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic studies have   activity,  although  ATII  levels  were  not  measured
              been  done  with  enalapril,  benazepril,  and  ramipril  in   (MacDonald et al. 2006; Haggstrom et al. 1996). These
              cats to define appropriate dose and dose intervals. The   important findings suggest that patients may be receiv-
              most important pharmacodynamic effect used to deter-  ing  inadequate  neurohormonal  blockade  even  though
              mine appropriate dosing is the magnitude and duration   they are given the medication as prescribed.
              of ACE activity inhibition. Enalapril doses of 0.25 mg/kg,   ACE activity ranges from low to high in humans with
              0.5 mg/kg, and 1 mg/kg PO q 12 or 24 hr were evaluated,   an elevated plasma ATII concentration while receiving
              and there was equal ACE inhibition when a daily dose   ACE inhibitors. In patients with high ACE activity, non-
              of 0.5 mg/kg or 1 mg/kg were given (Uechi et al. 2002).   compliance or inappropriate dose or dosing interval are
                                                                 possible explanations. Because renin and angiotensin I
              Therefore, an appropriate dose of enalapril is 0.5 mg/kg
      Congestive Heart Failure  used and is also acceptable. Benazepril causes acute and     ACE activity can produce large variations in angiotensin
                                                                 increase during ACEI therapy, even small differences in
              PO q 24 hr. However, q 12 hr dosing is often clinically
                                                                 II, making it imperative to have strict compliance with
              sustained ACE  inhibition  of  >90%,  persisting  over  24
                                                                 the  appropriate  dose  and  dosing  interval  of  the  ACE
              hours  with  doses  of  0.25–1 mg/kg  PO  q  24 hr  (King
                                                                 inhibitor  (Lee  et  al.  1999).  Chronic  ACE  inhibitor
              et al. 1999). Twenty-four hour trough ACE activity was
              significantly less in cats treated with 0.5 or 1 mg/kg PO
                                                                 would require higher doses of ACE inhibitors to ade-
              q  24 hr  than  cats  given  0.25 mg/kg  PO  q  24 hr  (King
              1999). Therefore, an appropriate dose of benazepril in   therapy may up-regulate the production of ACE, which
                                                                 quately suppress the activity over time. ACE polymor-
              cats is 0.5 mg/kg PO q 24 hr. Ramipril is a long acting   phisms are another important factor for the amount of
              (terminal  half-life  >20 hr),  lipophilic  pro-drug  that  is   ACE activity and ATII generation in people, and the ACE
              converted to ramiprilat in the liver. Ramiprilat binds to   DD genotype is associated with higher serum and tissue
              circulating and tissue bound ACE, and inhibits its action   ACE  concentrations  and  activity  and  requires  higher
              (King et al. 2003). At a dose of 0.5 mg/kg PO q 24 hr, the   ACEi doses for adequate inhibition (Cicoira et al. 2001).
              maximal inhibition of plasma ACE activity was 100%,   It is unknown whether cats or dogs have ACE polymor-
              and 24 hours trough ACE inhibition was 81% in one   phisms that could contribute to ACE and aldosterone
              study (Desmoulins et al. 2008). Therefore, an appropri-  escape. Therefore, there are multiple factors regarding
              ate dose of ramipril in cats is 0.5 mg/kg PO q24 hr.  the amount of ACE inhibitor needed for adequate sup-
                                                                 pression of ACE activity and reduction in formation of
              ACE and aldosterone escape                         angiotensin II.
              Treatment  with  ACE  inhibitors  blocks  conversion  of   Aside  from  ACE,  there  are  alternate  pathways  that
              angiotensin I to angiotensin II (and subsequently, pro-  convert  angiotensin  I  to  angiotensin  II,  including
              duction  of  aldosterone).  Therefore,  a  properly  treated   chymase, serine proteases (cathepsin A, D, and G and
              patient  should  theoretically  have  very  low  concentra-  tonin), and ACE-2 (Wong et al. 2004). Ninety percent of
              tions of these two hormones (ATII and aldosterone) in   ventricular  production  of  angiotensin  II  in  humans,
              circulation.  However,  a  dilemma  in  ACE  inhibitor   dogs, and cats is due to ventricular α-chymase conver-
              therapy involves the phenomenon of ACE and aldoste-  sion of angiotensin I (Balcells et al. 1997; Aramaki et al.
              rone escape, which may not be synonymous. There are   2003). Since renin and angiotensin I are elevated during
              alternative mechanisms aside from ACE for conversion   ACE  inhibitor  therapy,  there  is  a  greater  substrate  for
              of angiotensin I to angiotensin II, most importantly bra-  conversion  to  angiotensin  II  by  alternative  pathways.
              dykinin (i.e., ACE escape). Likewise, aldosterone synthe-  Extra-RAAS stimuli for aldosterone production include
              sis  may  be  increased  by  alternative  mechanisms  aside   hyperkalemia  or  hyponatremia,  which  may  be  factors
              from angiotensin II, including hyponatremia, hyperka-  for  persistent  aldosterone  elevation  despite  adequate
              lemia, and adrenocorticotropic hormone (i.e., aldoste-  ACE  inhibition  (Struthers  2004;  Heintz  et  al.  1992).
              rone  escape)  (Struthers  2004;  Heintz  et  al.  1992).  In   Aldosterone receptor blockers and angiotensin II recep-
              people  treated  with ACE  inhibitors,  15%  have  an  ele-  tor  blockers  have  been  developed  to  circumvent  the
              vated plasma angiotensin II concentration compared to   problem of ACE or aldosterone escape and may be used
              40% who have an elevation in plasma aldosterone con-  in patients with congestive heart failure who are already
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