Page 284 - Feline Cardiology
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Chapter 19: Congestive Heart Failure  291

              right atrial dilation places heart failure high on the dif-  an oxygen cage is not available and the cat is placed in
              ferential list, and diuretic therapy can be started.  an enclosure with supplemental oxygen, it is important
                 Medical  treatment  of  acute  heart  failure  includes   to use a high oxygen flow rate to flush out the carbon
              aggressive diuretic therapy with furosemide, oxygen sup-  dioxide,  as  well  as  ice  packs  to  cool  the  environment.
              plementation,  and  possibly  transdermal  nitroglycerin   Inhaled  oxygen  concentration  should  be  decreased  to
              (see Table 19.1). Ideally, an intravenous catheter is placed   50% or less within 12 hours to avoid barotrauma induced
              for repeated intravenous injections of furosemide, and   by high fractional inspired oxygen.
              can be done with as minimal restraint and stress as pos-  Once  the  respiratory  rate  decreases  to  less  than  50
              sible, with a prepared oxygen cage ready to immediately   breaths/minute  and  respiratory  effort  improves,  the
              place the cat into for rest and recovery after the injection.   dose  and  frequency  of  furosemide  may  be  decreased
              However, if the cat is too unstable, 3–4 mg/kg furosemide   (∼2 mg/kg IV q 6–8 hrs). Thoracic radiographs may be
              can  be  given  intramuscularly,  and  the  cat  placed  in   obtained 24 to 36 hours after acute diuresis to assess the
              oxygen (at 50–60% fractional inspired oxygen) tempo-  presence  and  severity  of  pulmonary  edema,  and  help
              rarily,  until  it  is  able  to  withstand  gentle  restraint  for   tailor continued heart failure treatment and transition
              placement of an intravenous catheter. Initial furosemide   to chronic oral dosing of furosemide. Some cardiologists
              doses range from 2 to 4 mg/kg IV every 1 to 4 hours,   feel that the patient’s clinical progression (improvement
              depending on the cat’s response. Typically, an improve-  of  clinical  signs)  is  sufficient  information  for  making
              ment  in  respiratory  effort  is  expected  within  4  hours   such  treatment  decisions  and  do  not  obtain  repeat
              after the first injection of furosemide. If improvement   radiographs at this time. Renal panels may be monitored
              occurs within the first hour, as is common when conges-  every 12 to 24 hours during the acute phase of treat-
              tive heart failure was iatrogenic and/or mild, then the   ment, to monitor for progressive electrolyte depletion   Congestive Heart Failure
              next dose of furosemide may be given only at 2 or 4 hours   and severity of azotemia. Blood samples for measuring
              after the first. However, if the cat continues to be severely   electrolyte levels should be collected in a green top tube
              dyspneic 1 hour after the first injection of furosemide,   (lithium heparin). This is because a red top (plain) tube
              then the second dose of furosemide may be given just 1   allows  platelet  activation/clumping,  which  releases
              hour after the first. Hourly doses are sometimes neces-  potassium and can mask clinically important hypokale-
              sary in the worst cases, but if dyspnea worsens or remains   mia. Potassium infusion (0.05–0.5 mEq/kg/hr IV) can be
              severe  after  2–3  hourly  doses  of  furosemide,  then  the   given for treatment of severe hypokalemia (K < 3 mEq/l),
              diagnosis of heart failure may be questioned (is it actu-  and frequent reevaluations of serum potassium concen-
              ally  primary  respiratory  disease  causing  dyspnea?),  or   tration are necessary. Oral potassium gluconate (2–4 mEq
              the cat has acute, fulminant heart failure requiring addi-  PO q 12 hr) may be used in cats with moderate hypoka-
              tional therapy potentially with a constant rate infusion   lemia that can tolerate oral medications. Hypokalemia
              of  furosemide,  for  more  sustained  diuretic  effect,  and   often dramatically improves once the cat is discharged
              possibly nitroprusside if it is not hypotensive and in a   on lower dose oral furosemide for chronic heart failure
              critical care setting with an experienced clinician. Acute   therapy. Once the cat is stable and has normal to mildly
              diuresis  occurs  5  minutes  after  intravenous  injection,   increased respiratory rate or effort, the furosemide can
              with a peak effect after 30 minutes, which lasts 2 to 3   be transitioned to oral administration (6.25–12.5 mg PO
              hours. Venodilation is an acute ancillary effect of furose-  q  12 hr).  Concurrent  use  of  intravenous  fluids  and
              mide occurring 5 to 15 minutes after intravenous injec-  administration of a diuretic to “protect the kidneys” by
              tion, and is independent from the diuretic effect. Free   minimizing the degree of dehydration and azotemia is
              choice of water and encouragement of drinking is neces-  counterproductive  and  ineffective,  because  each  treat-
              sary, since dehydration is very common and expected.  ment negates the other.
                 Pulmonary edema causes hypoxemia because oxygen   Nitrates such as nitroglycerin or sodium nitroprusside
              cannot diffuse from the alveoli to the pulmonary capil-  are vasodilators that function by increasing nitric oxide
              laries.  Increasing  the  inspired  oxygen  concentration   production.  Nitric  oxide  binds  to  guanylate  cyclase,
              increases the pressure gradient of oxygen to diffuse into   which forms cyclic GMP from GTP. Cyclic GMP activates
              the pulmonary capillary bed, which increases the arterial   protein kinases that phosphorylate myosin light chains
              oxygen tension. The percent inspired oxygen concentra-  and cause smooth muscle relaxation and vasodilation.
              tion is increased from room air (21%) to 40–60%. An   Transdermal nitroglycerin causes systemic venodilation,
              oxygen  cage  is  the  safest  and  most  effective  means  to   whereas intravenous nitroglycerin is a potent venodilator
              supplement oxygen. The oxygen cage not only controls   and  arteriolar  dilator.  Although  nitroglycerin  has  not
              the percent of inspired oxygen, but it also regulates tem-  been studied in cats, it is commonly given to cats with
              perature and humidity, and removes carbon dioxide. If   heart  failure  based  on  extrapolations  from  human
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