Page 424 - Feline Cardiology
P. 424
Generic Name Indications/Drug Dosage and Comments Available sizes
(Brand Name) Type Possible Routes
of Admin.
Enalapril (Enacard Angiotensin- 0.25–0.5 mg/ Adjunctive treatment with diuretics in 1, 2.5, 5,
[V], Vasotec [H]) converting kg congestive heart failure. Safe drug—anorexia, 10, 20 mg
enzyme (ACE) PO q 12–24 h sedation, hyperkalemia are rare. Theoretical Tab
inhibitor additional benefits (e.g., reduction of VM
myocardial fibrosis) and loss of efficacy over
time (ACE inhibitor tolerance) unproven in
clinical feline cardiology at present. Therefore,
no proven benefit to treatment prior to
congestive heart failure. Minimal efficacy (if
any) as single agent for treating systemic
Heparin, low
molecular weight
Epinephrine Catecholamine 0.01–0.05 mg/ Treatment for asystolic or bradycardic cardiac 1 : 1000
(adrenaline) kg IV arrest. Administer low dosages and repeat as (1 mg/ml)
needed (q 30–60 seconds if necessary) to or
reduce likelihood of severe tachycardic 1 : 10 000
response (causing myocardial oxygen (0.1 mg/ml)
depletion and rearrest). Triple dosage if Inj
administering intratracheally. VM,HM
Esmolol Ultrashort acting 25–200 mcg/ Used for terminating SVT or for slowing heart 10, 20,
(Brevipace [H]) beta blocker kg/min rate for diagnostic purposes: 250 mg/ml
IV CRI • in HCM, to identify whether chronic, oral Inj
beta blocker administration is likely to reduce HM
left ventricular outflow obstruction.
• in supraventricular tachycardia, to better
identify presence or absence of P waves and
make an ECG diagnosis. May bolus 200–
500 mcg/kg slow IV (1 minute) initially, or
begin at low dose and titrate upward to
desired effect. Contraindicated in congestive
heart failure, hypotension, or bradycardia.
Fenoldopam Dopamine D-1 0.1–0.6 mcg/ Treatment of systemic hypertensive crises. 10 mg/ml
(Corlopam [H]) agonist kg/min Maintains or increases glomerular pressure Inj
antihypertensive IV CRI while lowering systemic arterial pressure in HM
humans. Rapid onset and offset of action.
Only anecdotal reports in feline medicine.
Very costly.
Heparin, low
molecular weight
Continued Drug Formulary