Page 419 - Feline Cardiology
P. 419
Generic Name Indications/Drug Dosage and Comments Available sizes
(Brand Name) Type Possible Routes
of Admin.
B Vitamin Vitamin Unsubstantiated use for reduction of risk of
complex supplement thromboembolic disease based on identification
of lower serum vitamin B12 levels in cats with
aortic thromboembolism.
Benazepril Angiotensin- 0.25–0.5 mg/ Adjunctive treatment with diuretics in 5, 20 mg
(Fortekor [V], converting kg PO q 24 h congestive heart failure. Benefits of mixed Tab VM
Lotensin [H]) enzyme (ACE) renal-hepatic elimination likely of minimal 5, 10, 20, 40 mg
inhibitor clinical importance. Safe drug—anorexia, Tab HM
sedation, hyperkalemia rare. Veterinary
formulation not available in United States.
Theoretical additional benefits (e.g., reduction
of myocardial fibrosis and hypertrophy), and
efficacy may be diminished over time (ACE
inhibitor tolerance) based on extrapolations
from other species. Possible reduction in left
ventricular thickening with chronic treatment
during compensated (“asymptomatic”) state
but unclear impact on long-term prognosis.
Minimal efficacy (if any) as single agent for
treating systemic hypertension. No significant
risk of worsening severity of left ventricular
outflow tract obstruction in HOCM due to
arteriodilation in cats.
Buprenorphine Opiate agonist 0.005– Sedation for echocardiography or other 0.324 mg/ml
(Buprenex [H]) 0.01 mg/kg noninvasive procedures; used for pain Inj
IV,IM; may be management of acute arterial HM
given per os in thromboembolism. Fewer respiratory center
fractious cats effects than hydromorphone. Management of
concurrent disorders (e.g., pulmonary edema,
pleural effusion) should always precede
sedation for lower risk. Higher dosage
reserved for severe pain or sedating difficult
but otherwise healthy, young cats suspected
of having mild heart disease.
Butorphanol Mixed opiate 0.05–0.2 mg/ Sedation for echocardiography or other 2, 10 mg/ml
(Torbugesic [V]) agonist- kg noninvasive procedures. Low dose for aged, Inj
antagonist IV, IM, SQ unstable, or otherwise compromised cats; VM
management of concurrent disorders orders
Drug Formulary should precede sedation for lower risk. Higher
(e.g., pulmonary edema, pleural effusion)
dosage reserved for difficult but otherwise
healthy, young or middle-aged cats suspected
of having mild heart disease. May be
combined with dexmedetomidine or low-dose
acepromazine for heavy sedation. Rarely
exceed total dose 1.5 mg/cat.