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              Drug Formulary

              The  following  compilation  of  cardiovascular  medica-  It  also  is  worth  noting  that  no  drug  has  ever  been
              tions has been obtained from published reports in origi-  approved  by  the  U.S.  Food  and  Drug  Administration
              nal  journal  articles,  conference  proceedings,  and   for  use  in  feline  heart  disease.  Therefore,  this  listing
              textbooks.  Wherever  possible,  itemized  reference  cita-  necessarily  involves  extralabel  use,  for  which  the
              tions are given for rapid identification of source material   prescribing  veterinarian  must  assume  responsibility
              by readers wanting information in greater detail. This   concerning  treatment  application/implementation,
              index does not reflect original scientific research, and its   adverse  effects  of  administering  or  withholding  treat-
              compilers make no claims regarding efficacy, safety, or   ment,  owner-informed  consent,  and  all  other  related
              any other properties of drugs as listed here. Information   issues.
              concerning efficacy, safety, and other properties of these   Abbreviations  used  in  the  index  are  as  follows:
              drugs is the domain of the original authors, reviewers,   Cap = capsule;  Ch = chewable  tablet;  CRI = constant
              editors,  or  a  combination  of  these,  who  investigated    rate infusion; ER = extended release; H = human brand
              and  reported  the  data  in  the  primary  publications     name;  HM = human  formulation;  Inj = injectable;
              from  which  this  information  is  drawn,  together  with     IM = intramuscular;   IV = intravenous;   Liq = oral
              the  responsibility  of  the  prescribing  veterinarian  for   liquid;  OTC = over-the-counter  (nonprescription);
              ensuring  that  all  reasonable  resources  are  consulted    PRN = as  needed;  SQ = subcutaneous;  SR = sustained
              prior to recommending, administering, or withholding   release;  Tab = tablet;  V = veterinary  brand  name;
              a medication.                                      VM = veterinary formulation.

              Feline Cardiology, First Edition. Etienne Côté, Kristin A. MacDonald, Kathryn M. Meurs, Meg M. Sleeper.
              © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2011 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

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