Page 10 - Linear Models for the Prediction of Animal Breeding Values
P. 10

17.3. Iteration on the Mixed Model Equations                      271
                  17.3.1. Jacobi iteration                                    272
                  17.3.2. Gauss–Seidel iteration                              275
            17.4. Iterating on the Data                                       276
                  17.4.1. Animal model without groups                         278
                  17.4.2. Animal model with groups                            282
                  17.4.3. Reduced animal model with maternal effects          284
            17.5. Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Algorithm                 292
                  17.5.1. Computation strategy                                293
                  17.5.2. Numerical application                               294
         Appendix A: Introduction to Matrix Algebra                           299
            A.1   Matrix: A Definition                                        299
            A.2   Special Matrices                                            300
                  A.2.1  Square matrix                                        300
                  A.2.2  Diagonal matrix                                      300
                  A.2.3  Triangular matrix                                    300
                  A.2.4  Symmetric matrix                                     301
            A.3   Basic Matrix Operations                                     301
                  A.3.1   Transpose of a matrix                               301
                  A.3.2   Matrix addition and subtraction                     301
                  A.3.3  Matrix multiplication                                302
                  A.3.4   Direct product of matrices                          302
                  A.3.5  Matrix inversion                                     303
                  A.3.6   Rank of a matrix                                    304
                  A.3.7  Generalized inverses                                 305
                  A.3.8   Eigenvalues and eigenvectors                        305

         Appendix B: Fast Algorithms for Calculating
                    Inbreeding Based on the L Matrix                          306
            B.1   Meuwissen and Luo Algorithm                                 306
                  B.1.1   Illustration of the algorithm                       307
            B.2   Modified Meuwissen and Luo Algorithm                        308
                  B.2.1   Illustration of the algorithm                       309

         Appendix C                                                           311
            C.1  Outline of the Derivation of the Best
                  Linear Unbiased Prediction (BLUP)                           311
            C.2  Proof that b  and â from MME are the GLS
                  of b and BLUP of a, Respectively                            312
            C.3   Deriving the Equation for Progeny Contribution (PC)         313

         Appendix D: Methods for Obtaining Approximate Reliability
                    for Genetic Evaluations                                   314
            D.1   Computing Approximate Reliabilities for an Animal Model     314
            D.2  Computing Approximate Reliabilities for Random
                  Regression Models                                           316
                  D.2.1   Determine value of observation for an animal        316

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