Page 7 - Linear Models for the Prediction of Animal Breeding Values
P. 7

6.3.  Cholesky Transformation                                      98
                  6.3.1.  Calculating the transformation matrix and defining the model  98
                  6.3.2. An illustration                                       99
            6.4.  Factor and Principal Component Analysis                     101
                  6.4.1. Factor analysis                                      102
                  6.4.2. Principal component analysis                         105
                  6.4.3. Analysis with reduced rank PC model                  106

        7.  Maternal Trait Models: Animal and Reduced Animal Models           109
            7.1.  Introduction                                                109
            7.2.  Animal Model for a Maternal Trait                           110
                  7.2.1. An illustration                                      110
            7.3.  Reduced Animal Model with Maternal Effects                  115
                  7.3.1. An illustration                                      116
            7.4.  Sire and Maternal Grandsire Model                           119

        8.  Social Interaction Models                                         121
            8.1.  Introduction                                                121
            8.2.  Animal Model with Social Interaction Effects                123
                  8.2.1. Illustration of a model with social interaction      125
            8.3.  Partitioning Evaluations from Associative Models            127
            8.4.  Analysis Using Correlated Error Structure                   128

        9.  Analysis of Longitudinal Data                                     130
            9.1.  Introduction                                                130
            9.2.  Fixed Regression Model                                      131
                  9.2.1. An illustration                                      132
            9.3.  Random Regression Model                                     136
                  9.3.1. Numerical application                                138
                  9.3.2.  Partitioning animal solutions from random regression model  142
                  9.3.3. Calculating daughter yield deviations                145
                  9.3.4. Reliability of breeding values                       146
                  9.3.5. Random regression models with spline function        147
                  9.3.6. Random regression model for maternal traits          148
            9.4.  Covariance Functions                                        149
                  9.4.1. Fitting a reduced order covariance function          151
            9.5.  Equivalence of the Random Regression Model
                  to the Covariance Function                                  155

        10. Use of Genetic Markers in Breeding Value Prediction               156
            10.1. Introduction                                                156
            10.2. Defining a Model with Marker Information                    156
            10.3. Calculating the Covariance Matrix (G ) for MQTL Effects     157
                  10.3.1. Numerical application                               158
            10.4. An Alternative Approach for Calculating G                   160
            10.5. Calculating the Inverse of G                                161
            10.6. Prediction of Breeding Values with Marker Information       165
                  10.6.1. An illustration                                     165

        Contents                                                               vii
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