Page 115 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 115

82  SECTION | I General  ingestion as the absorption of cyanide is rapid. Flush eyes  Concluding Remarks
             for at least 15 20 min with tepid water. Wash all contam-
                                                                Because HCN is lighter than air, it has a long half-life in
             inated animals thoroughly with soap and water.
                Monitor  blood  gases  and  serum  electrolytes.  air. However, HCN rapidly disperses and is diluted to
                                                                nontoxic concentrations. Cyanide does not concentrate in
             Administer 100% humidified oxygen with assisted venti-
                                                                soil or plant material but can mix with water. Water con-
             lation if needed to maintain an elevated pO 2 . Hyperbaric
                                                                verts HCN gas to HCN liquid. Treat contaminated water
             oxygen therapy is approved for cyanide poisoning, but
                                                                with ozone, hydrogen peroxide, or calcium or sodium
             experimental animal studies have been questionable (Way
                                                                hypochlorite bleach. The potential for secondary contami-
             et al., 1972). For severe acidosis (pH , 7.1) administer
                                                                nation of rescue personnel is high. Boots, gloves, goggles,
             sodium bicarbonate, but acidosis may be difficult to
                                                                full protective clothing, and a self-contained positive pres-
             correct prior to administration of antidotes in cyanide
                                                                sure breathing apparatus are needed (AAR, 2000).
             toxicosis (Hall and Rumack, 1986). Control seizures with
                                                                  As a chemical warfare agent, cyanide is not easy to
             benzodiazepines or barbiturates.
                                                                disseminate; however, it is widely available which
                Cyanide toxicosis usually occurs and progresses so
                                                                increases the chances of its use in terrorist activities
             rapidly that treatment is rarely administered soon enough
                                                                (Burklow et al., 2003). Cyanide works much better as a
             to be effective. Antidotal agents should be used if the
                                                                terrorist weapon in an enclosed space.
             animal is in respiratory distress or a coma. There are
             several different antidotal agents that can be used.
             Hydroxocobalamin, a vitamin B 12 precursor, is a cobalt
             containing chelator. Hydroxocobalamin reverses cyanide  MILITARY NERVE AGENTS
             toxicosis by combining with cyanide to form cyanocobal-  Background
             amin (vitamin B 12 )(Hall and Rumack, 1987). It has been
             shown to be effective in treating cyanide-poisoned labora-  Military nerve agents are probably the most poisonous of
             tory animals and has the advantage of producing neither  the known chemical warfare agents and are sufficiently
             methemoglobinemia nor hypotension, as sodium nitrite  toxic that even a brief exposure may be fatal. They were
             does.                                              originally synthesized by the Germans during World War
                Another choice for treatment of cyanide poisoning  II in search of alternatives to the embargos against insecti-
             utilizes several steps. Sodium nitrite is given IV over  cidal nicotine. Military nerve agents are rapidly acting,
             15 20 min; quick administration can cause hypoten-  anticholinesterase organophosphate (OP) compounds, and
             sion. Sodium nitrite reacts with hemoglobin in the red  are more potent than OP insecticides. Military nerve agents
             blood cells forming methemoglobin. The methemoglo-  contain a C P bond that is unique and very resistant to
             bin will combine with free cyanide to form cyanomethe-  hydrolysis, except in highly alkaline solutions. At ambient
             moglobin. Follow sodium nitrite with IV administration  temperatures, nerve agents are viscous liquids, not gases.
             of sodium thiosulfate. Sodium thiosulfate supplies sulfur  Military nerve agents are generally divided into “G”
             for the rhodanase reaction. Thiocyanate is formed and  agents and “V” agents. The “G” agents (tabun, sarin,
             excreted in the urine. Oxygen, combined with traditional  soman) were developed during World War II and are
             nitrite/thiosulfate therapy, provides better results than  called “G” agents because they were first synthesized in
             thiosulfate alone (Way et al., 1972). It is believed  Germany. The “G” agents are very volatile and present a
             that oxygen may reverse the cyanide cytochrome     vapor hazard. The vapors are more dense than air, thus
             oxidase complex and aid in the conversion to thio-  they stay close to the ground (Garigan, 1996).
             cyanate following thiosulfate administration. Other  Tabun (Agent GA, C 5 H 11 N 2 O 2 P) is the easiest of the
             chelators such as dicobalt-EDTA (Kelocyanor) and   “G” agents to manufacture. It is a fruity-smelling (like
             4-dimethylaminophenol hydrochloride (4-DMAP) may   bitter almonds) combustible colorless to brownish liquid.
             be found in Europe, Australia, and Israel (Hillman  Contact with bleaching powder generates cyanogen chlo-
             et al., 1974; van Dijk et al., 1986).              ride (EPA, 1985b). It may also undergo hydrolysis in the
                Animal studies to identify other alternate cyanide anti-  presence of acids or water, releasing hydrogen cyanide
             dotes have tested alpha-ketoglutaric acid, chlorpromazine,  (Munro et al., 1999; Budavari, 2000; HSDB, 2005). Sarin
             hydroxylamine, phenoxybenzamine, centrophenoxine, nal-  (GB, C 4 H 10 FO 2 P) is a colorless liquid with almost no
             oxone hydrochloride, etomidate, para-aminopropiophenone,  odor in its pure state (Budavari, 2000). Soman (GD,
             and calcium-ion channel blockers (Dubinsky et al., 1984;  C 7 H 16 FO 2 P) is a colorless liquid with a fruity or camphor
             Leung et al., 1984; Bright and Marrs, 1987; Yamamoto,  odor. Soman can release hydrogen fluoride when in con-
             1990; Budavari, 2000). These antidotes have shown some  tact with acids.
             promise in the laboratory setting but have not been tried  The “V” agents (“V” for venomous) were developed
             during actual poisoning situations.                in 1954 in the United Kingdom and are more stable than
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