Page 125 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
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92  SECTION | I General  to determine the appropriate classification of these pro-  New Animal Drug Approval
             ducts. The FFDCA definitions (in part) for these terms
                                                                As part of the preapproval process for new animal drugs,
             are provided here, but the FFDCA should be consulted
             for complete definitions.                          a drug sponsor must provide evidence that the drug is
                                                                safe for the target animal and the environment, has the
                Under section 201(g) of the FFDCA, the term “drug”
                                                                intended effect, can be manufactured adequately to pre-
             means articles intended for use in the diagnosis, cure, mit-
                                                                serve the product’s identity, strength, quality, and purity,
             igation, treatment, or prevention of disease in man or
                                                                and for drugs approved for use in food-producing animals,
             other animals, and articles (other than food) intended to
                                                                that the edible products derived from treated animals are
             affect the structure or any function of the body of man or
                                                                safe for human consumption. For the purposes of this
             other animals, and any component of such articles. Under
                                                                chapter, the drug “sponsor” owns the NADA and is the
             section 201(v) of the FFDCA, the term “new animal
                                                                entity responsible for collecting all of the information
             drug” is defined, in part, as any drug intended for use in
                                                                about a new animal drug and submitting it to the CVM
             animals other than man, including any drug intended for
                                                                for review, and is also responsible for continued monitor-
             use in animal feed, but not including the animal feed, the
                                                                ing of the drug’s safety and effectiveness after approval.
             composition of which is such that the drug is not gener-
                                                                Requirements for NADAs are codified in 21 CFR Part
             ally recognized as safe and effective for the use under the
                                                                514. Sponsors systematically address each of the required
             conditions prescribed, recommended, or suggested in the
                                                                components by completing seven elements (commonly
             labeling of the drug. As mandated by the FFDCA, a new
                                                                referred to as technical sections). The seven technical
             animal drug may not be sold in interstate commerce
                                                                sections are: Chemistry, Manufacturing, and Controls
             unless it is the subject of an approved new animal drug
                                                                (CMC); Effectiveness, Target Animal Safety (TAS);
             application (NADA), abbreviated NADA (ANADA,
                                                                Human Food Safety (HFS); Environmental Safety; All
             which is a generic new animal drug), conditionally
                                                                Other Information; and Labeling. The FDA has published
             approved new animal drug application (CNADA), or list-
                                                                regulations and many guidance documents describing the
             ing on the Index of Legally Marketed Unapproved New
                                                                approval requirements and types of studies that may be
             Animal Drugs for Minor Species. Conditional approval
                                                                necessary to obtain approval to market animal drug pro-
             and indexing are additional ways that drugs intended for
                                                                ducts. An explanation of all steps in the process required
             minor uses or minor species can be legally marketed. See
                                                                for FDA approval is beyond the scope of this chapter;
             the CVM website for a description of these and other pro-
                                                                however, a brief summary of the TAS and HFS evaluation
             visions made for minor use and minor species products
                                                                process for new animal drugs is provided below. A com-
             (FDA/CVM, 2017a).
                                                                prehensive description of the process is also provided on
                Under section 201(h) of the FFDCA, the term
                                                                the CVM website (FDA/CVM, 2017b).
             “device” means an instrument, apparatus, implement,
             machine, contrivance, implant, in vitro reagent, or other
             similar or related article, including any component, part,
             or accessory, which is intended for use in the diagnosis of  Target Animal Safety Evaluation
             disease or other conditions, or in the cure, mitigation,
             treatment, or prevention of disease, in man or other ani-  General Considerations
             mals, or intended to affect the structure or any function of  The drug sponsor must show that the drug is safe to the
             the body of man or other animals, and which does not  target animal species when it is used according to the
             achieve its primary intended purposes through chemical  label. The target animal species is the specific animal spe-
             action within or on the body of man or other animals and  cies in which the drug will be approved for use. The TAS
             which is not dependent upon being metabolized for the  information needed for approval of a particular drug
             achievement of its primary intended purposes. A few  depends on the type of drug, species and class of animal,
             examples of devices commonly used in animals include  route of administration, indication, dose and frequency of
             suture material, certain types of bandage materials, intra-  administration, available scientific knowledge about the
             venous catheters, anesthetic machines as well as radio-  drug, and potentially other factors. The principles of TAS
             logic imaging equipment.                           evaluation are outlined in the FDA-CVM Guidance for
                Under section 201(f) of the FFDCA, the term “food”  Industry (GFI): TAS for Veterinary Pharmaceutical
             means articles used for food or drink for man or other  Products (FDA/CVM, 2009a). This document was
             animals, chewing gum, and articles used for components  developed and implemented as part of the International
             of any such article. Also, 21 CFR y507.3 defines “ani-  Cooperation on Harmonization of Technical Requirements
             mal food” as food for animals other than man and   for Registration of Veterinary Medicinal Products (VICH),
             includes pet food, animal feed, and raw materials and  a program aimed at harmonizing technical requirements
             ingredients.                                       for veterinary product registration among its member
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