Page 211 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
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178 SECTION | I General  argued. This jurisdictional decision may be made by the  burden of persuasion in a legal setting. 17,18,19  The burden
                                                                of persuasion is colloquially referred to as a “burden of
             judge in the venue where the case was originally filed.
                                                                proof”—a phrase toxicologists may find familiar. This
                Each state has rules governing the procedures to be
             followed in conducting a civil trial and procedures to be  burden of persuasion is different in civil cases than it is in
             followed in conducting a criminal trial. Although these  criminal cases. Both legal burdens may be different than
             procedural rules may have many similarities between  that of a routine medical diagnosis. The level of medical
             states, they may not be uniform across all states. The fed-  certainty needed to treat is often illustrated by quoting the
             eral rules are more consistent nationwide.         Hippocratic Oath “first do no harm.” The degree of medi-
                The federal judicial system also has rules governing  cal certainty required to treat a disease may only be that
             civil procedure and those governing criminal procedure.  needed to give appropriate general and supportive treat-
             These rules are the same across states, although they may  ment, but not that which would be required to reach an
             be interpreted differently in different federal judicial dis-  etiological diagnosis. Reaching an etiological diagnosis to
             tricts in case law. In short, administrative rules guide  any degree of medical certainty is not always done in
             administrative actions, state rules guide state civil and  clinical practice.
             state criminal actions, and federal rules guide federal civil  Similarly, routine cases in a diagnostic laboratory may
             and criminal actions.                              not reach an etiological diagnosis to any degree of medi-
                In our hypothetical example, the manufacturer of the  cal certainty either. In many instances reaching an etio-
             premix and the manufacturer of the feed may have agreed  logical diagnosis is limited by time, cost, and the needs of
             to argue any disputes that arise under their business con-  the animal owner and veterinarian. This need may be
             tract according to the laws of state X. The animal owner  merely to have guidance for providing supportive treat-
             who chooses to sue the manufacturer of the feed may  ment. Other limits on the ability to provide an etiological
             choose to sue in state court in the state in which the  diagnosis may be the available samples, the condition of
             owner fed the feed to their animal, or perhaps in the fed-  the samples, the willingness of the owner to spend the
             eral court representing the same geographic area. One  money required to reach such a diagnosis, and other
             argument that may be used to argue that the case belongs  factors.
             in the federal court system is that the feed crossed state
             lines and therefore impacted interstate commerce. Other
             elements that may be required to establish federal juris-
             diction are beyond the scope of this chapter.
                                                                17. ARTICLE III. PRESUMPTIONS IN CIVIL ACTIONS AND
                A judgment will be entered by the judge if the dispute  PROCEEDINGS
             goes all the way through trial. Thus the animal owner  Rule 301. Presumptions in General in Civil Actions and Proceedings
             may receive compensation at the insurance claim, settle-  In all civil actions and proceedings not otherwise provided for by Act of
             ment, or judgment level of this dispute if the animal  Congress or by these rules, a presumption imposes on the party against
             owner prevails.                                    whom it is directed the burden of going forward with evidence to rebut
                The point of this section is primarily to indicate that  or meet the presumption, but does not shift to such party the burden of
             the procedures by which the dispute is handled may be  proof in the sense of the risk of nonpersuasion, which remains through-
                                                                out the trial upon the party on whom it was originally cast.
             different between states for an insurance claim, arbitra-
                                                                18. Rule 302. Applicability of State Law in Civil Actions and
             tion, mediation, or litigation. These distinctions between
             state court systems are beyond the scope of this chapter.
                                                                In civil actions and proceedings, the effect of a presumption respecting a
             On the other hand, the federal judicial system has proce-
                                                                fact which is an element of a claim or defense as to which State law sup-
             dures that are generally applied across the country. These  plies the rule of decision is determined in accordance with State law.
             procedures are more similar nationwide, so they are  19. Rule 1101. Applicability of Rules
             described below to indicate some procedural issues that  (a) Courts and judges.—These rules apply to the United States district
             may arise in toxicology cases. Although many disputes  courts, the District Court of Guam, the District Court of the Virgin
             involving animal toxicoses are not tried in federal courts,  Islands, the District Court for the Northern Mariana Islands, the United
             the federal procedural rules provided below illustrate con-  States courts of appeals, the United States Claims Court, and to United
             siderations that are likely to be similar across the country.  States bankruptcy judges and United States magistrate judges, in the
                                                                actions, cases, and proceedings and to the extent hereinafter set forth.
                                                                The terms ‘‘judge’’ and ‘‘court’’ in these rules include United States
                                                                bankruptcy judges and United States magistrate judges.
             STANDARD OF PROOF:                                 (b) Proceedings generally.—These rules apply generally to civil actions
             HOW SURE DO I NEED TO BE?                          and proceedings, including admiralty and maritime cases, to criminal
                                                                cases and proceedings, to contempt proceedings except those in which
             One party needs to persuade the other party once a dis-  the court may act summarily, and to proceedings and cases under title
             pute develops. This need is normally referred to as the  11, United States Code.
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