Page 209 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
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176 SECTION | I General  the federal government, or any combination of state and  referred to as specific causation is discussed in
                                                                Section VII below. The distinction between enforcement
             federal government. One or more agencies of the state in
                                                                actions taken by agencies to benefit the public as a whole
             which the animal was harmed may have statutory author-
             ity to protect the health of animals, humans, or both.  and legally admissible specific causation in an individual
             These agencies may include the State Department of  animal is not always appreciated.
             Agriculture, the State Department of Health, the State  This distinction may be illustrated by a hypothetical
             Department of Natural Resources, the State Board of  example. A bulk tank load of milk is tested in the receiv-
             Animal Health, or other similar agencies. A state agency  ing bay and found to be positive for the presence of beta-
             may choose to take enforcement action against the feed  lactam antibiotics using a test kit marketed and validated
             distributor, premix manufacturer, or both, in order to pro-  for this purpose. The entire load of milk is dumped, and
             tect the health of animals, humans, or both in its state.  the producer whose individual sample is positive is
                The state agency may collect its own samples and per-  charged for the load of milk. Paying for the tanker load of
             form its own analyses prior to taking enforcement action.  milk in this situation is a contractual agreement between
             The agency may determine that the concentration of  the milk producer and the bulk milk buyer.
             chemical in the feed is greater than a published tolerance  The test kit is approved and validated for use in
             or action level for that chemical in that feed. This agency  administrative action. That action is to assist in the public
             action may end with a fine, recall, or other administrative  policy of preventing exposure of humans to beta-lactam
             action, if both sides agree.                       antibiotics to prevent allergic reactions, and to reduce the
                If both sides do not agree, the feed distributor and pre-  likelihood of developing strains of bacteria that are patho-
             mix manufacturer may “appeal” the agency’s decision.  genic to humans and resistant to beta-lactam antibiotics.
             This appeal may go to an administrative law judge, or a  The test kit is sufficient to support the contractual agree-
             similar official within, or outside, the agency, depending  ment and perhaps administrative action of preventing
             on the administrative structure of that particular agency.  these antibiotics from entering the human food supply.
             If the feed manufacturer or premix manufacturer agrees  The test kit result may not be sufficient, however, for
             with the ruling of the administrative law judge, the dis-  litigation aimed at prosecuting one for the source of the
             pute is finished. If all do not agree, the distributor or man-  beta-lactam. Further analytical chemistry analysis may be
             ufacturer of the feed may choose to appeal the decision of  required to distinguish, penicillic acid, from penicillin G
             the administrative law judge to a district civil court. This  from, ticarcillin, as an extreme example. This distinction
             may put the dispute in a venue similar to a civil suit as  may be important because of the implication raised as to
             discussed below.                                   the potential source of the antibiotic in the bulk tank:
                Agencies are given deference at the district court  feed, versus a treated cow, versus “spiking” the bulk tank.
             level, making this an increasingly difficult, but not insur-  In short, a test that is entirely acceptable for contractual
             mountable, argument to win. The specialty of administra-  agreement or agency action may not be acceptable for a
             tive law is devoted to the details of administrative  specific type of litigation. This concept is expanded upon
             procedure that arises in such actions. Administrative law  in the section on specific causation below. See Dr.
             is beyond the scope of this chapter.               Bright’s chapter on Regulatory Veterinary Medicine for a
                Federal agencies may also have an interest in the ani-  further discussion of agency issues.
             mal case. The Federal Food and Drug Administration   The results of diagnostic testing may rarely be offered
             (FDA) may have an interest in the case because the feed  as fact in a criminal case. Animal poisoning cases have
             additive impacted interstate commerce when it crossed  rarely risen to the level of criminal action. The addition
             state lines, and impacted the health of the public when it  of the chemical to the feed with the intention of causing a
             caused toxicosis of a food animal. The FDA has authority  toxicosis may be a crime based on animal cruelty or
             to protect the public health and has authority to take  chemical terrorism statutes. The executive branch of gov-
             administrative action against the manufacturer of the feed  ernment may then choose to prosecute the case. The state,
             similar to that discussed for the state agencies above in  often through its Attorney General’s office, may choose
             that protection of the public’s health.            to prosecute under an animal cruelty statute. Similarly,
                Although agency decisions are normally given defer-  the Department of Justice, may file criminal prosecution
             ence in the courtroom, regulations developed by agencies  charges if the act is considered to be one of chemical ter-
             may not always address the issue of causation. Agency  rorism. In these instances the state or federal government
             regulations are often promulgated to protect populations  is a direct party in the case.
             rather than individuals.  The affect on an individual  This discussion of legal venue is not exhaustive. The
                                                                purpose of this section is merely to indicate how a routine
                                                                clinical or diagnostic case could become involved in a
             11. See e.g. Troy Corp , AFL-CIO, and Simpson.     variety of legal venues including, insurance claims,
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