Page 32 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 32


             Veterinary toxicology is a very complex, yet fascinating  of pet food. Similar recalls occurred in Asia and South
             subject, as it deals with a wide variety of poisons of  Africa. In 2008, just prior to an international polo event
             chemical, plant, and animal origins, as well as drugs of  in Florida, 21 horses from a Brazilian team died acutely
             use and abuse. Presently, synthetic compounds constitute  due to an overdose of selenium. In 2010, the Deepwater
             the largest number of chemicals that are frequently  Horizon oil rig explosion killed 11 workers. The subse-
             encountered in animal poisonings. The subject of veteri-  quent oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico caused death, or
             nary toxicology is complicated greatly by the wide varia-  affected the lives, of millions of birds, fish, and other spe-
             tions in responses of domestic, companion, aquatic, wild,  cies, including dolphins, costing billions of dollars. On
             and zoo species to toxicants. Of course, environmental  March 11, 2011, a severe earthquake and subsequent tsu-
             and many other factors may be involved in the overall  nami that struck Japan led to the deaths of thousands of
             toxicity of a chemical. In the last few decades, veterinary  humans and animals. As a result of the tsunami and after-
             toxicologists have faced the enormous task of dealing  shocks, the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant was
             with a flood of new farm chemicals and household pro-  severely damaged. The deaths of many companion ani-
             ducts. Understanding the complete profile (especially  mals occurred within a few days from excess radiation
             mechanisms of toxicity) of each toxicant is the biggest  exposure. A large number of surviving abandoned live-
             challenge for today’s veterinary toxicologists. Highly sen-  stock, horses, and companion animals in the danger zone
             sitive analytical techniques for residue detection, toxicoki-  continue to suffer from cancer and other radiation-related
             netics,  and  physiologically  based  pharmacokinetic  complications. Currently, due to ongoing political unrest
             modeling, biomarkers of exposure, effects and susceptibil-  in Syria, thousands of humans and animals have died
             ity, and the concept of adverse outcome pathway comes  from chemical warfare agent (chlorine, sarin, and possibly
             into play when resolving many toxicological issues, such  others) exposure, and the chemical attacks are still taking
             as delineating underlying mechanisms, prompt and accu-  place on a regular basis.
             rate diagnosis, and development of antidotal treatment.  Evidently, from time to time, unusual toxicological
                By the turn of the 21 century, we began to face new  problems are encountered on a small or large scale, and
             problems. For example, on September 11, 2001, a large  that trend will most likely continue in the future.
             number of pets died from the collapse of the World Trade  Toxicological problems are often exacerbated by harsh
             Center in New York City, while those that survived suf-  weather conditions, especially in livestock species.
             fered from a variety of illnesses (Ground Zero illnesses)  Around the world, animals and humans are living in a
             caused by the dust, debris, and toxic chemicals. In 2005,  more polluted environment today than ever before. Many
             two major hurricanes (Katrina and Rita) devastated the  of the toxicological problems are global, while others are
             lives of many animals in the Gulf Coast states of  regional. Unfortunately, the availability of antidotes for
             Louisiana and Mississippi. Thousands of animals died,  common poisons is still obscure and often delayed. Thus,
             while a large number of others suffered from intoxication  veterinary toxicologists have a tremendous task ahead to
             with high levels of metals, pesticides, algal toxins, and  face the new challenges of the 21 century.
             many other unidentified toxic substances. Again, in 2017,  The first edition of Veterinary Toxicology: Basic and
             multiple hurricanes have affected the lives of thousands  Clinical Principles was prepared to offer a comprehensive
             of animals in the US.                              resource to veterinary toxicologists, students, teachers,
                In early 2007, melamine became a household name  clinicians, nutritionists, animal health scientists, and envir-
             for pet owners in the United States because many dogs  onmentalists. In 2012, the 2nd edition was prepared to
             and cats died from renal failure, while hundreds were  maintain the same temper, yet was more student-teacher-
             sickened due to the consumption of food imported from  friendly and targeted primarily for the classroom. Many
             China tainted with melamine and other co-contaminants.  new chapters were added, identifying unique problems
             Regulatory  action  of  the  U.S.  Food  and  Drug  pertinent to Europe, Asia, and Africa. During the last
             Administration led to the recall of more than 150 brands  5 years, the book has captured its image as a Gold

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