Page 33 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
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xxxii Preface  Standard for veterinarians and veterinary toxicologists  aquatic, marine, and zoo toxins. This volume extensively
                                                                covers chapters on poisonous plants, mycotoxins, and
             serving academia, government, industry, environment, and
                                                                feed and water contaminants. A significant portion of the
             other sectors. Currently, the book is heavily used by
             practicing veterinarians, as it offers comprehensive infor-  book is devoted to diagnostic toxicology that entails sam-
             mation on sample submission, diagnosis and prevention,  ple submission and analytical toxicology. Finally, the
             and treatment of poisonings in both small and large ani-  book concludes with an emphasis on prevention and ther-
             mals, as well as avian and aquatic species. Attorneys for  apeutic measures of common poisonings.
             legal cases and county extension agents for plant and farm  The chapters of this book are contributed by the most
             chemical poisoning cases are using this book, as it offers  qualified and well-experienced authors from academia,
             easy access to a plethora of toxicological knowledge.  government, industry, environment, and the private sector,
                In recent years, veterinarians and veterinary toxicolo-  who are considered authorities in veterinary toxicology.
             gists from many parts of the world have expressed the  As of today, this book remains a unique text/reference
             need for a 3rd edition of this book, as the field of veteri-  source of veterinary toxicology that is unparalleled.
             nary toxicology is rapidly changing with so many emerg-  Finally, the editor is deeply indebted to all authors for
             ing issues. In light of the valuable suggestions and the  their sincere and dedicated contributions to this book. The
             current world situation, the book is revised accordingly. It  editor would like to recognize Drs. Roger O. McClellan
             addresses both global as well as regional toxicological  and Frederick W. Oehme, who made not only enormous
             problems, adequately covers mechanistic aspects, and  contributions but also shaped the field of veterinary toxi-
             offers differential diagnosis and practical solutions. The  cology. A special thanks to Robin B. Doss and Denise M.
             entire book is organized in 18 sections, with a total of 82  Gupta for their technical assistance in preparation of this
             chapters, to offer a stand-alone chapter on as many topics  book. The editor and the authors offer their sincere thanks
             as possible; however, many of the chapters on related  to the publishing editors (Erin Hill-Parks, Kathy Padilla,
             topics are consolidated to avoid redundancy. The book is  Molly McLaughlin, Kiruthika Govindaraju, and Kattie
             focused heavily on target organ toxicity and poisons of  Washington) at Academic Press/Elsevier for their vital
             various types and classes. Several chapters provide the  input in the preparation of this book.
             latest information on problems related to metals, pesti-
             cides, industrial and environmental toxicants, as well as                          Ramesh C. Gupta
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