Page 352 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 352  Chapter 18

             Toxicity of Nanomaterials

             Deon van der Merwe and John A. Pickrell

             INTRODUCTION                                       properties is increasing, and have already found commer-
                                                                cial application in sporting goods, tires, sunscreens, sani-
             The toxicology of nanomaterials has emerged as a chal-
                                                                tary ware coatings, stain resistant textiles and clothing,
             lenging field of investigation because the widely applied
                                                                food products, and electronics (Hoet et al., 2004; Nel
             toxicological paradigm, “the dose makes the poison,”
                                                                et al., 2006 Tsuji et al., 2006). The list of products incor-
             appears to break down when the toxicological effects of
                                                                porating nanotechnology is expected to continue to
             materials are investigated at the nanometer scale. At this
                                                                expand indefinitely. By some estimates, growth of nano-
             scale, the physical chemical characteristics of materials  technologies and use of ENMs will far exceed the impact
             are highly dependent on unit size and shape, and their
                                                                of the industrial revolution; they were predicted to become a
             interactions with biological systems may differ markedly
                                                                one-trillion-dollar market by 2015 (Neletal.,2006).
             from chemicals in solution, and from larger particles. The
                                                                However, in spite of the seemingly unstoppable success
             mass of nanomaterial to which susceptible tissues are
                                                                of this technology, the unique properties of ENMs also
             exposed therefore becomes relatively less important as a
                                                                present considerable new challenges to understanding,
             determinant of the degree of biological impact compared
                                                                predicting, and managing potential adverse health effects
             to the size and form of the material. Particles, fibers, rods,
                                                                following exposure. Technological development and
             or tubes with one or more dimensions ,100 nm are gen-
                                                                applications are outpacing research for safe use and docu-
             erally referred to as nanomaterials, or more specifically as
                                                                mentation of health and environmental risk (Hoet et al.,
             nanoparticles (also known as ultrafine particles), nanofi-
                                                                2004; Tsuji et al., 2006). Although exposure to ENMs is
             bers, nanorods, or nanotubes. Nanomaterials are formed
                                                                often intentional and controlled, widespread use of
             in nature during combustion, geological processes, and
                                                                increasing quantities of ENMs increases the likelihood of
             biological processes. They are also commonly produced
                                                                uncontrolled human and animal exposure to nanomaterials
             unintentionally by man in processes such as power gener-
                                                                in quantities that may result in biological effects. The
             ation from coal, the combustion of fuels in automobiles,
                                                                future success of nanotechnology will be influenced by
             and by many other industrial, engineering, and domestic
                                                                the level of public acceptance of the risks from exposure
             activities. Additionally, and at a rate that is rapidly accel-
                                                                to ENMs, relative to the benefits. The increased demands
             erating, nanomaterials are manufactured intentionally
                                                                for development to obtain the promised benefits from
             through molecular-level engineering to obtain materials
                                                                nanomaterials is balanced by an increasing need for a pro-
             with unique mechanical, optical, electrical, magnetic, and
                                                                active approach in estimating the environmental and
             chemical properties (Tsuji et al., 2006; Richards, 2009).
                                                                health costs (Ngo et al., 2008).
             These materials can be referred to as engineered nanoma-
                                                                  Concerns regarding the suitability of traditional toxi-
             terials (ENMs). They form the core of a rapidly growing
                                                                cological assessment methods for evaluating ENMs gave
             industry where ENMs are incorporated into a wide variety
                                                                birth to a relatively new discipline, named nanotoxicol-
             of manufactured products. The increasing use of ENMs,
                                                                ogy. The discipline can be defined as: “the study of the
             and the uncertainties associated with their unusual and
                                                                adverse effects of ENMs on living organisms and ecosys-
             often poorly understood biological effects, creates con-
                                                                tems, including the prevention and amelioration of such
             cern regarding their potential for causing unanticipated
                                                                adverse effects” (Oberdo ¨rster, 2010). As with conven-
             adverse health effects (Fig. 18.1).
                                                                tional chemicals, risk assessment will be the basis of
                Investigators continue to discover unique properties of
                                                                assessing and regulating exposure to nanomaterials to pro-
             materials at the nanometer scale (Hoet et al., 2004).
                                                                tect human, animal, and environmental health. Many
             Commercialization of products that exploit these unique
                                                                applications will likely have limited, or at least
             Veterinary Toxicology. DOI:
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