Page 355 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 355

322 SECTION | III Nanoparticles, Radiation and Carcinogens  the shape and degree of agglomeration (Brunner et al.,  people (e.g., asthmatics, chronic obstructive pulmonary
                                                                disease (COPD) patients) is a central mechanism by
             2006). Soluble amorphous silicate, a negative control
                                                                which particles cause lung disease, primarily from organic
             caused minimal response in either cell line, consistent
             with its anticipated lack of toxicity (Brunner et al., 2006).  dusts (Pickrell et al., 2009, 2010). Metal oxide nanoparti-
             Crocidolite asbestos had a significant reduction in both  cles may also have direct cytotoxic effects in lung cells
             cell activity and cell number (DNA) in both cell lines.  (Pickrell et al., 2010). After intratracheal instillation,
             The mesothelioma cell line was more severely affected,  ultrafine colloidal silica (UFCS) particles had greater
             perhaps reflecting its metabolic activity. This toxicity was  ability to induce tissue damage and inflammation
             consistent with expectations from a positive control  compared to fine colloidal silica (FCS) particles. Electron
             (Brunner et al., 2006). Calcium phosphate had no signifi-  microscopy demonstrated UFCS and FCS particles
             cant cytotoxicity at 3 days; these data are consistent with  on both bronchiolar and alveolar wall surfaces; type I
             it having no toxicity like the negative control particle,  epithelial cell necrosis and basement membrane damage
             amorphous silica (Brunner et al., 2006). Insoluble metal  was  greater  in  UFCS  than  in  FCS  particles
             oxides (TiO 2 , ZrO 2 and CeO 2 ) had modest toxicity at 3  (Kaemawatawong et al., 2005).
             days of exposure that was most prominent in mesotheli-  Inhalation of highly insoluble ultrafine particles (diame-
             oma cells. By 6 days of exposure, these cells had returned  ter 20 nm) of low intrinsic toxicity (TiO 2 )resulted in
             to normal (Brunner et al., 2006). Morphologically, the  pulmonary inflammatory responses. However, these effects
             high dose of zirconium oxide caused the appearance of  were not acute and occurred only after prolonged inhala-
             decreased cell number and function, even after 6 days  tion exposure of the aggregated ultrafine particles at high
             incubation. These data are consistent with only a modest  levels . 1 mg/m (Oberdo ¨rster et al., 1995). Ultrafine
             health effect relative to the positive control (Brunner  carbon particles are more toxic on an equal mass basis than
             et al., 2006). Zinc and ferric oxide were slightly soluble  fine carbon particles, but this is not true if they are exam-
             and quite toxic to both cell lines after 3 days incubation  ined on a total surface area basis (Oberdo ¨rster et al., 2010).
             (Brunner et al., 2006). The authors advance no specific
             explanation for zinc toxicity beyond chemical toxicity,
             but experimental conditions suggest considerable local
                                                                Carbon Nanotubes
             particle concentrations. For iron, the toxicity resulted
             from free radical production from the Haber Weiss reac-  Pharyngeal aspiration of single-walled carbon nanotubes
             tion. Because this reaction occurred at 40-fold less than  (SCWNT) elicited an acute pulmonary inflammation in
             the chemical toxicity of iron, it is said to be specific for  C57BL/6 mice that progressed to fibrosis and granulomas
             the nanoparticle (Brunner et al., 2006).           (Shvedova et al., 2005). SWCNT caused a dose-
                In vitro analysis of particle size-related effects on alve-  dependent release of protein, LDH, and gamma-glutamyl
             olar macrophages, epithelial cells, and neutrophils, demon-  transferase activities into bronchoalveolar lung washings
             strates size- and oxidant-dependent responses. Increased  (lavage). In addition, elevated 4-hydroxynonenal (oxida-
             interleukin 6 (IL-6) in cultured lung cells suggested a  tive biomarker), depleted glutathione in lungs, leukocyte
             proinflammatory, oxidant response. Reduced cell numbers,  accumulations, and cytokines were present in lavage
             especially with Mn-containing nanoparticles, suggested  fluids on days 1 7. This was followed by fibrogenic
             cytotoxicity at high doses, probably from local concentra-  transforming growth factor (TGF-β1) that peaked on day
             tion of particles (Pickrell et al., 2010). These effects were  7. The progressive fibrosis found in mice exhibited two
             observed after in vitro exposure to concentrated PM (2.5)  distinct morphologies: SWCNT-induced granulomas, and
             ambient particles collected in real time. Oxidative stress,  diffuse interstitial fibrosis and alveolar wall thickening.
             mediated by ROS, is an important mechanism of particle-  Functional respiratory deficiencies and decreased bacterial
             induced lung inflammation (Tao et al., 2003).      clearance (Listeria monocytogenes) were found in mice
                                                                treated with SWCNT (Shvedova et al., 2005). In vitro
                                                                exposures of multiwalled carbon nanotubes to fibroblasts
                                                                at high doses induces a similar inflammation (Ding et al.,
             INSTILLATION PHARYNGEAL                            2005). Equal doses of ultrafine carbon black particles
             ASPIRATION                                         or fine crystalline silica (SiO 2 ) did not cause either granu-
                                                                lomas or alveolar wall thickening. Instead, they caused
             Ultrafine Particles
                                                                weaker pulmonary inflammation and damage (Shvedova
             Exposure to ambient air pollution particles caused  et al., 2005). Inhalation of multiwalled carbon nanotubes
             increased cardiopulmonary morbidity and mortality, par-  induced no lung changes, but marginal pulmonary and
             ticularly with preexisting disease (Tao et al., 2003).  systemic immunosuppression was observed (Mitchell
             Exacerbation of pulmonary inflammation in susceptible  et al., 2007).
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