Page 411 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 411

378 SECTION | IV Drugs of Use and Abuse  in blood pressure. Atropine can potentiate the anticholin-  H 1 receptor antagonists (or H 1 -blockers) and less likely to
                                                                cross the BBB. Ranitidine is about 15% protein-bound.
             ergic effects of antihistamines, and is best avoided.
                Seizures can be treated cautiously with benzodiaze-
                                                                  Cimetidine and ranitidine are metabolized predomi-
             pines or short-acting barbiturates. The depressive effects  nantly in the liver. Seventy-three percent of an oral dose
             of antihistamines are additive with these sedatives, and  of ranitidine undergoes hepatic metabolism in people,
             can produce “rebound depression.” Although cholinergic  compared to 40% in dogs. Unchanged cimetidine, famoti-
             signs are sometimes present, treatment with physostig-  dine, and nizatidine are excreted in the urine. The plasma
             mine potentiates cardiovascular dysfunction and seizures,  half-life for cimetidine is about 1 h, but can be prolonged
             and is contraindicated.                            in individuals with renal or hepatic insufficiency. The
                Animals  overdosed  with  antihistamines  usually  elimination half-life of ranitidine is 2.5 h in humans and
             improve within 24 h, although signs sometimes persist for  4 h in beagles (Boothe, 2001).
             up to 3 days. Prognosis is dependent on the severity of
             signs, and is guarded in animals presenting with seizures  Mechanism of Action
             or coma (Gwaltney-Brant, 2004). Tegzes et al. (2002)
                                                                H 2 receptor antagonists specifically bind to and block the
             report recovery of a comatose dog due to hydroxyzine
                                                                actions of H 2 receptors by competitive inhibition. H 2
             overdose, though the authors note that supportive care can
                                                                receptors are present in the enterochromaffin cells of the
             be required for up to 2 weeks.
                                                                gastric mucosa. Histamine stimulates acid secretion and,
                                                                to a limited extent, pepsin secretion (Adams, 2001;
             DRUGS USED TO TREAT                                Tegzes et al., 2002). High doses of histamine produce a
                                                                slow-onset, prolonged vasodilatory response. H 2 receptor
                                                                inhibitors decrease acid and pepsin secretion. They also
             This classification includes antacids, laxatives, and antidi-  block some of the cardiovascular effects of histamine
             arrheal drugs.                                     (Adams, 2001). Famotidine is nine times more potent as
                                                                an H 2 -blocker than ranitidine, which is 5 12 times more
                                                                potent than cimetidine. Famotidine also has the longest
             Antacids                                           duration of clinical effects (Boothe, 2001). Cimetidine
                                                                reduces hepatic blood flow by around 20% and inhibits
             H 2 histamine receptor antagonists and mineral antacids are
                                                                microsomal cytochrome P450 enzymes, thus it interferes
             used to increase gastric pH and reduce discomfort. Use of
                                                                with metabolism of other drugs.
             these products to aide in healing of gastroduodenal ulcers
             secondary to NSAID use is noted in a previous section.
             Few adverse effects have been reported with these drugs,  Clinical Signs
             although contact dermatitis in a horse trainer associated  There are no reports of adverse effects in domestic ani-
             with ranitidine has been reported (Meani and Nixon, 2015).  mals associated with these H 2 receptor antagonists.

                                                                Mineral Antacids
             H 2 Histamine Receptor Antagonists
                                                                An incomplete list of active ingredients in mineral anta-
             H 2 histamine receptor antagonists include cimetidine,
                                                                cids can be found in Table 21.4. Products may contain
             famotidine, nizatidine, and ranitidine. Cimetidine impairs
                                                                more than one active ingredient. These products are com-
             gastrointestinal absorption of some drugs and prolongs
                                                                mon in many households, and may be accidentally
             the effects of others by inhibiting their metabolism by
                                                                ingested by pets or administered by pet owners. They are
             microsomal enzymes.
                                                                used in veterinary medicine to decrease gastric hyperacid-
                                                                ity and treat peptic ulcers, uremic ulcers, reflux esophagi-
             Pharmacokinetics                                   tis, and rumen acidosis secondary to grain overload
             Cimetidine is rapidly absorbed, and 70% of a given dose  (Boothe, 2001). Few adverse effects are associated with
             is bioavailable. Absorption can be slowed by the presence  mineral antacids (Papich, 1990). Mineral antacids increase
             of food in the stomach. The mean absorption time for  gastric pH. Rebound acid secretion can occur when dos-
             ranitidine was reported as approximately 1 h, and absorp-  ing is discontinued.
             tion was not impaired by the presence of food in the stom-  Sodium bicarbonate is present in baking soda and in
             ach. Ranitidine is 73% bioavailable in dogs and 27%  effervescent antacid products. Sodium bicarbonate and cal-
             available in horses after oral dosing. Famotidine is poorly  cium carbonate are absorbed after ingestion. Transcutaneous
             absorbed and only 37% bioavailable. Nizatidine is rapidly  absorption of sodium bicarbonate across damaged skin can
             and almost completely absorbed (Boothe, 2001). H 2 recep-  occur (Gonzalez and Hogg, 1981). Carbon dioxide is pro-
             tor antagonists (or H 2 -blockers) are less lipid soluble than  duced rapidly when sodium bicarbonate is introduced to an
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