Page 42 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 42

Concepts in Veterinary Toxicology Chapter | 1  9  funders. Hundreds of scientists who gained valuable expe-  the risk analysis paradigm and the use of scientific knowl-
                                                                edge to inform regulatory actions (McClellan, 1999,
             rience as students, postdoctoral fellows, or staff members
             at the Institute became leaders in the field. This included
                                                                2010, 2014; McClellan et al., 2012). The development of
             dozens of veterinarians.                           risk analysis as a specialized area of interdisciplinary sci-
                In the late 20th century, the Food and Drug     ence led to the founding of the Society for Risk Analysis
             Administration (FDA) continued its traditional dual  in 1981 of which I was a charter member and later named
             emphasis of ensuring both the efficacy and the safety of  a Fellow. The risk analysis paradigm originally proposed
             drugs and medical devices continued. Increased emphasis  by the National Research Council (1983) and used by the
             has been given by the FDA in recent decades to veteri-  USEPA is shown in Fig. 1.2. A later report, Science and
             nary drugs and to the potential for veterinary drugs to  Judgment in Risk Assessment (NRC, 1994; McClellan,
             contaminate meat and milk.                         1994), and reports from the Risk Commission (1997),
                Increasing public concern for safety/risk and the  reaffirmed use of the risk paradigm that continues to be a
             resulting legislation led to the development of increas-  cornerstone of activities not just at the EPA but in other
             ingly formalized approaches to both safety and risk analy-  national and international agencies and in the private
             sis. This included more clearly defined roles for using the  sector concerned with human health.
             results of toxicological studies, including studies with lab-  The original key elements of the risk paradigm were
             oratory animals, to assess the safety, or conversely risk, to  (1) hazard identification, (2) exposure response assess-
             humans of the use of pharmaceuticals, other products in  ment, (3) exposure assessment, and (4) risk assessment.
             commerce, and existing and new technologies. In my  The NRC (1994) report emphasized the importance of a
             opinion, the same scientific knowledge base can be used  fifth element: using the results of the risk analysis to
             to address concerns for safety and risk. Scientific informa-  guide future research and, thus, reduce uncertainty in
             tion can be used to inform regulatory and other societal  future risk estimates. In addition, I have added a sixth
             actions that maximize safety and minimize risk, both are  over-arching element: risk communication. The hazard
             relative not absolute.                             identification element has been a source of contention
                                                                and confusion both with the public and in the scientific
                                                                community, especially with regard to cancer, as I will
             Toxicology Joined to the Risk Paradigm
                                                                discuss later.
             As noted earlier, federal legislation passed in the 1970s  Hazard is defined as the potential for an agent under
             focused on health impacts of environmental and occupa-  some conditions of exposure to cause an adverse effect
             tional exposures and led to more formalized approaches  (NRC, 1983, 1994; McClellan, 1999, 2010, 2014). With
             to evaluating the risks and safety of various exposures.  this definition the level of exposure or dose required
             The risk paradigm built on the long-standing paradigm of  to produce an adverse health effect is not considered.
             linking sources of dose exposure to adverse health out-  An agent may be classified as a hazard irrespective of
             comes that had guided toxicology from its earliest days  whether or not the exposure conditions required to elicit
             (Fig. 1.1). I have reviewed elsewhere the development of  adverse health effects under experimental conditions are

              Sources of                                            Dose to                     Health
              potential toxicants          Exposure                 biological target           responses

              Industrial activities  Mechanisms  Presence of  Mechanisms  Dose at multiple  Mechanisms  Acute to chronic
              Consumer products   influencing   toxicant   influencing    levels from critical   leading to   responses including
              Agricultural practices   transport via   in different   absorption,   macromolecular   alterations in   both functional
              Forage             multiple    media, air,   distribution,    to tissues to total   function and    effects and cancer
              Feed               pathways    water, food   metabolism   body         structure
                                                        and excretion

                   Exposure assessment           Toxicokinetics                     Toxicodynamics

                                                      Characterization of hazard and exposure–response relationships

                                                       Risk characterization
             FIGURE 1.1 Critical linkages for integrating information from sources of toxicants to the development of adverse health effects.
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