Page 428 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
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Toxicity of Drugs of Abuse Chapter | 22  395  body builders at one time, and is currently used to treat  STIMULANTS
             narcolepsy. Industrial solvents γ-butyrolactone (GBL)
                                                                The major illicit drugs classified as stimulants are cocaine
             and 1,4-butanediol (BD) are metabolized to GHB. BD
             is available in printer ink cartridges and has been sold  and the amphetamines. Cocaine is a plant alkaloid, and
                                                                amphetamines are a large group of compounds, including
             as a supplement at health food stores (Smith et al.,
                                                                prescription drugs such as methylphenidate, sold as
             2002; McDonough et al., 2004; Anonymous, 2011). BD
                                                                Ritalin, and methamphetamine, which is produced in clan-
             was also used as a substitute for 1,5-pentanediol in the
                                                                destine laboratories. Stimulants in general act on the
             production of a children’s craft product called “Aqua
                                                                ANS, usually on adrenergic receptors. Popular “club
             Dots” in the United States and “Bindeez” in Australia
                                                                drug” MDMA, or “ecstasy,” also has significant action on
             (Suchard et al., 2009). The substitution was made in
                                                                serotonin receptors. Related to amphetamines are cathi-
             2007 and resulted in clinically affected children. GHB
                                                                nones. Naturally occurring cathinone is found in the plant
             is most commonly sold as a clear liquid in small vials
                                                                Catha edulis, known as Khat, but synthetic forms, often
             and added to bottled water (Smith et al., 2002; Rimsza
                                                                sold as “bath salts,” have become popular in the United
             and Moses, 2005). Street names include “Liquid X” or
                                                                States since 2010. Various legally available compounds
             “liquid ecstasy,” “soap” or “salty water” because of the
                                                                act as stimulants through various mechanisms. These
             flavor of the product, “easy lay,” “Georgia homeboy,”
                                                                include nicotine, caffeine, and related compounds, and are
             “grievous bodily harm,” “G,” “goop,” “gib,” or
                                                                discussed elsewhere in the text. Areca alkaloids, described
                                                                below, are commonly used as stimulants across much of
                GHB receptors are present in the hippocampus, cortex,
                                                                Asia and are available in some parts of the United States
             and other areas of the brain (McDonough et al., 2004).
                                                                and Europe.
             GHB is involved in regulation of sleep cycles, body tem-
             perature, memory, glucose metabolism, and dopamine
             levels (Smith et al., 2002). GHB can also be converted  Cocaine
             back to GABA. Human death has been reported at an oral
             GHB dose of 5.4 g, but some patients have survived doses  Cocaine is the natural alkaloid of the shrubs Erythroxylun
             of 29 g. The LD 50 for rodents and rabbits is approxi-  coca and Erythroxylun monogynum, originally from the
             mately 2 g/kg. GHB is rapidly absorbed from the gastro-  Andes Mountains in South America and most commonly
             intestinal tract, and, because it is highly lipophilic, it  grown in Bolivia, Peru, and Columbia (Queiroz-Neto
             readily crosses the blood brain barrier. GHB is rapidly  et  al.,  2002;  Volmer,  2005;  Anonymous,  2011).
             metabolized to carbon dioxide, though 2% 4% of a given  Traditionally, E. coca leaves are brewed into tea by those
             dose can be excreted in the urine (Smith et al., 2002;  native to the Andes Mountains, who share this delightful
             Gable, 2004). Half-life is dose dependent.         beverage with unsuspecting tourists in order to counter
                Clinical signs attributed to GHB usually occur within  the effects of the high altitude. Cocaine is a Schedule II
             half an hour of ingestion and include euphoria, reduced  drug used for topical anesthesia and vasoconstriction of
             anxiety, and drowsiness. CNS depression sometimes pro-  mucous membranes (Kisseberth and Trammel, 1990). At
             gresses to loss of motor control, unconsciousness, and  times, it has been second only to marijuana in illegal con-
             respiratory depression (Smith et al., 2002; McDonough  sumption in the United States (Dumonceaux, 1995;
             et al., 2004; Rimsza and Moses, 2005). Clinical signs  Queiro-Neto et al., 2002; Vitale and van de Mheen,
             reported in children ingesting “Aqua Dots” were vomit-  2005). Based on surveys in the 1980s, approximately 15%
             ing, ataxia, and coma (Suchard et al., 2009). Seizures  of the US population had tried cocaine (Kabas et al.,
             have been reported, and bradycardia and hypothermia are  1990). More recent surveys of high-school students in the
             reported in nearly a third of overdose patients.   US found that 5% 6.4% had used cocaine (Eaton et al.,
                Treatment consists of decontamination of the intubated  2010; Latimer and Zur, 2010).
             patient with either gastric lavage, after large ingestion, or  Cocaine is sold as a powdered white salt, cocaine
             activated charcoal—emetics are contraindicated because  HCl, ranging in purity from 12% to .60% (Kisseberth
             of the rapid onset of CNS depression—and close monitor-  and Trammel, 1990). It is usually diluted or “cut” with
             ing of respiratory, cardiovascular, CNS function, and  inert ingredients such as lactose, inositol, mannitol, corn
             body temperature. Supportive care is instituted based on  starch, or sucrose, or with active compounds including
             clinical signs. Seizures have been treated with benzodia-  procaine, lidocaine, tetracaine, caffeine, amphetamine, or
             zepines. Patients who appear stable should be monitored  quinine. Cocaine cut with levamisole has been associated
             for at least 8 h (Smith et al., 2002). GHB is difficult to  with severe adverse effects in users, including agranulocy-
             analyze for, and results are difficult to interpret because  tosis and vasculitis (Buchanan et al., 2010; Wiegand,
             this compound is rapidly metabolized and normally pres-  2010). The water soluble salt can be injected, ingested, or
             ent in the body.                                   insufflated (Rimsza and Moses, 2005; Anonymous, 2011).
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